周學政王佳雯Wang, Chia-Wen2019-08-29不公開2019-08-292015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0597231107%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94070本文以臺北市赤峰街為例,說明中古汽車零件的供給端與消費端是如何串連起來;透過資料分析、環境觀察、深度訪談,試圖發掘中古汽車零件相關業者之間的關係以及運作過程,了解中古汽車零件業的特質。研究聚焦於中古汽車零件買賣、赤峰街發展,具體包括:了解中古汽車零件買賣流程、分析赤峰街中古汽車零件業發展、探討赤峰街中古汽車零件業者的社會網絡。 中古汽車零件從廢棄車輛拆解下來後,經過仲介商的轉手買賣、材料行的翻修整理,再透過汽車維修廠重新裝到另一台車上,這中間的過程除了零件在不同業者間的流通外,訊息的傳遞更是關鍵。而赤峰街因位於承德路五金類聚集區、北淡線鐵路雙連站的地利之便而興起,萬大計畫使得中古汽車材料行往赤峰街集中,後捷運通車、都更計畫、經營模式改變等因素,使得赤峰街的材料行轉變、擴散至郊區。除了位置因素、政策影響外,零件的流通以及業者的社會關係所構築而成的社會網絡更是赤峰街中古汽車零件業發展的要素,剖析網絡內部發現材料行業者、仲介商內部的橫向聯繫程度差異大,而中古汽車零件買賣的上中下游業者其縱向聯繫較為緊密。而網絡也導致了技術的擴散、材料行買賣的優勢以及仲介商的弱化。 中古汽車零件業由店面小、集中轉變成店面倉庫合併、面積變大且分布空間擴散,從早期的空間聚集變成現今的關係聚集,社會網絡提供的資源使業者的經營彈性擴大,經營規模擴大為目前中古汽車零件業的趨勢。The thesis takes Chifeng Street as an example to explain how used auto part suppliers and customers are connected together. It explores the relationships between used auto parts sellers and their operations to get a grasp of the characteristics of used auto parts, through second-hand data analysis, on-site observation and in-depth interviews. This study focuses on the process of selling and purchasing of used auto parts, the analysis on development of Chifeng Street, and the discussion on the effect of used auto parts on social network. The life cycle of an used auto parts consists of scrapping and reconditioning by suppliers, transferring by middle men and installing by auto shops. It goes through various stages before re-used. The process not only involves transfering of the parts but also sharing of information between different parties. Chifeng street became the distribution centers of used auto parts because of its location. It was located near the hardware districts along Chengde road and the old Taipei-Tamshui railway shuanglian station. Wan-Da plan then brought the business activities on Chifeng street to its pinnacle. Owning to the development of MRT and urban renewal plans, lots of the stores either changed their business models or moved to the rural areas. Other than location and policies, the trade and social network play an important role in the development of Chifeng street. Analyzing the trade and social network gives a brief observation on the pattern of information exchange between suppliers, middle men and buyers. The interaction between entities with the same function is less active comparing to the ones with difference function. For example, communication between suppliers do not happen as often as the ones between suppliers, middle men, or buyers. Furthermore, social network has had caused diversity of technology, selling and purchasing strength of suppliers and an adverse effect on the usefulness of middle men, which rules them out in the life cycle of used auto parts transaction. The revolution of used auto part stores started from small and clustered to large and dispersed. It also progressed from spatial aggregation to relation aggregation. The vast amount of resource from social network provide stores the flexibility to operate on a larger scale, which is the trend of now.中古汽車零件業赤峰街社會網絡used auto partChifeng streetsocial network中古汽車零件業之地理研究—以臺北市赤峰街為例A Geographical Study On Used Auto Parts-An Example of Chifeng Street in Taipei City