蕭顯勝Hsiao, Hsien-Sheng賴又瑋Lai, Yu-Wei2023-12-082023-06-132023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/3f642d48466c960fb479a066347bbf4f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120490受到新冠肺炎疫情的影響,各級學校因應學生無法到校而紛紛改採線上授課,來協助學生學習不中斷,因而數位學習(e-Learning)備受關注,蔚為風潮。過去許多研究都證實數位學習平台有助於提升學生學習成效,也發現若使用平台的滿意度越高,其感知效益也會越高。但同樣作為平台使用者的教師卻較少相關研究提及,也不清楚使用數位學習平台對於教師的效益為何。因此,本研究旨從教師作為使用者的角度,運用資訊系統成功模型來探討使用數位學習平台對於教師感知效益的影響,並且同時加入學校支持及教師自身的電腦自我效能一同考量。本研究採用網路問卷調查,針對使用數位學習平台之教師進行研究,研究結果發現:(1)數位學習平台的資訊品質、系統品質、服務品質及教育品質皆對於滿意度有正向影響(2)滿意度對於感知效益有正向影響(3)學校支持及電腦自我效能皆對感知效益有正向影響(4)電腦自我效能會部分中介學校支持及感知效益之間的關係(5)學校支持、電腦自我效能及感知效益皆會受到教師的背景變項不同而有差異。本研究根據結果提出建議,學校在推行數位學習平台時,除了要了解教師對於平台品質的想法以外,亦可以針對教師的不同背景變項強化其電腦自我效能及學校支持,來提高教師使用後的感知效益。During the COVID-19 pandemic, schools have switched to online teaching to help students learn without interruption. Therefore, e-Learning has attracted much attention and has become a trend. Numerous studies in the past had confirmed that e-Learning platforms help student to improve learning outcomes, and it had also been found that the higher the satisfaction with using the platform, the higher perceived benefits. However, teachers are also platform users but rarely mentioned in relevant research, and it is not clear what the benefits of using e-Learning platforms for teachers. Therefore, this research aims to use the information system success model from the perspective of teachers as users to explore the impact of the use of e-Learning platforms on teachers' perceived benefits, and take both school support and teachers computer self-efficacy into model to research. In this study, the online questionnaire survey was used on the teachers using e-Learning platform for the class. The results of this study show that: (1) Information quality, System quality, Service quality and Educational quality have significant influences on Satisfaction. (2) Satisfaction has significant influence on Perceived Benefits. (3) School Support has significant influences on Computer Self-efficacy and Perceived Benefits. (4) Computer Self-efficacy has the partial mediating effect of School Support and Perceived Benefits. (5) School Support, Computer Self-efficacy and Perceived Benefits all vary depending on the teacher's background variables. According to the results, this study suggests schools should understand teachers’ thoughts on the platform quality and enhance their computer skills and support depending on teachers’ different background variables.數位學習平台資訊系統成功模型學校支持電腦自我效能感知效益e-Learning PlatformInformation Systems Success ModelSchool SupportComputer Self-efficacyPerceived Benefits以資訊系統成功模型探討教師使用數位學習平台對感知效益之影響The Study of Applying Information Systems Success Model to Explore The Influence of Teachers Using e-Learning Platform on Perceived Benefitsetd