方進隆Chin-Lung Fang邱麟翔Lin-Hsiang Chiu2019-09-052014-09-012019-09-052013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060030034A%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105493前言:過去文獻指出規律有氧運動可以改善認知功能,但是單次有氧運動後腦部氧飽和能力與認知功能是否能同時維持較佳狀態,過去的研究較少。研究目的:一、比較單次30分鐘適度有氧運動前中後大學男生前額葉氧合能力的差異。二、比較單次30分鐘適度有氧運動與無運動後大學男生執行控制能力的差異。方法:招募32位大學男生 (年齡18到22歲) 為研究對象。每位受試者進行兩次測驗,一次從事單次中等強度腳踏車運動 (55~60%保留心跳率) 30分鐘,另一次為靜態休息30分鐘之控制情境。運動前中後 (約運動後52分鐘) 以近紅外線光譜儀 (near-infrared spectroscopy, NIRS) 測得受試者前額葉氧合能力包含氧合 (oxyhemoglobin, HbO2)、去氧 (deoxyhemoglbin, HHb) 、總血紅素差 (total hemoglobin difference, △HbTot, 運動時或運動後減安靜時之總血紅素) 與血紅素含氧差 (hemoglobin difference, O2Hbdiff, 是氧合血紅素減去氧血紅素的值)。於運動後10分鐘測量執行控制表現以 (1) Stroop叫色測驗,(2) 長期記憶與短期記憶,(3) Eriksen flanker task為測驗項目。受試者之不同運動情境為相依A因子,前、中與後測驗時間點為相依B因子,氧合能力與執行控制為依變項,所得資料以二因子相依變異數分析與相依樣本t檢定分析。結果:(1) 單次30分有氧運動過程與運動後 (52分內) 前額葉的△HbTot與O2Hbdiff顯著高於安靜值 (p<.05),(2) 前額葉的△HbTot與O2Hbdiff於運動過程和運動後顯著高於控制情境 (p<.05),(3) Stroop色字測驗叫色色塊測驗 (SC)反應時間於運動後顯著優於控制情境 (p<.05),其他執行控制能力則沒有顯著差異。結論:單次30分鐘適度有氧運動提高運動過程與運動後之△ HbTot與O2Hbdiff與部分認知測驗的反應時間。PURPOSE: Previous research indicated that regular exercises could improve cardiopulmonary function and enhance cognitive function. However, there are few research has conducted to investigate the effects of acute aerobic exercise on cerebral oxygenation and cognitive functions simultaneously. The purposes of this study are: 1, to compare the differences of cerebral oxygenation before (base line), during and after 30-minutes-moderate acute aerobic exercise of college male students, 2, to compare the differences of executive control ability with and without acute aerobic exercise. METHODS: Thirty two healthy males, aged from 18-22 years old, are recruited as the subjects in this research. All the subjects are asked to come at 2 different occasions and randomly assigned for the experiments, one for 30 minutes cycling exercise with 55-60% HRR, and one for 30-minutes control rest trail. Before, during and after exercise (52minutes), the near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is used to measure the cerebral oxygenation, including oxygenated hemoglobin (HbO2), deoxygenated hemoglobin (HHb), hemoglobin difference (HbO2-HHb) and total hemoglobin difference (△HbTot, the difference of total hemoglobin during or after exercise – resting value) at 2 occasions. The executive control abilities including (1) Stroop, (2) Free recall, (3) Eriksen flanker task are measured after acute exercise following 10 minute rest. The collected data are analyzed with correlated dependent ANOVA and dependent t-test. RESULTS: (1) The △HbTot and O2Hbdiff of prefrontal cortex during 30-minute acute exercise and after exercise (within 52 minutes) are significantly higher than that of resting condition (p<.05), (2) The △HbTot and O2Hbdiff of prefrontal cortex during exercise and after exercise are significantly higher than that of resting condition (p<.05), (3) the reaction time of stroop colar test after acute exercise is significantly better than that of resting condition (p<.05), the other executive control tests are not significantly different between exercise and resting trials. CONCLUSION: The 30-minute-moderate aerobic exercise enhances the △HbTot and O2Hbdiff of the frontal cortex during and after acute exercise and improves the reaction time of part of executive control tests.近紅外線光譜儀總血紅素腳踏車運動認知功能NIRStotal hemoglobincycling exercisecognitive function單次有氧運動對大學男生前額葉氧合能力與執行控制之影響Effects of Acute Aerobic Exercise on Cerebral Oxygenation and Executive Control of College Males