林振春吳宗瓊Lin, Jenn-ChuenWu, Tsun-Chiung楊深耕Yang,Shen-Keng2019-08-292007-7-132019-08-292007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0891020013%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92502臺灣地方文化產業發展與評估指標系統之研究 【中文摘要】 本研究旨在探討臺灣地方文化產業的發展歷程,並進一步建構評量以社區為基礎發展地方文化產業之評估指標系統。針對研究的主要目的,本研究採用文獻分析、德懷術以及階層分析程序法等方法。本研究首先就文化產業的概念演進歷程進行探究,論證文化產業相關學理基礎,接續分析我國地方文化產業實施概況,初步建構臺灣地方文化產業評估指標的架構雛型,之後以德懷術來進行評估指標性質與重要性程度的評定,並對指標架構、內涵進行增刪與修正。最後,再以階層分析程序法來估算指標相對權重的關係。 研究的結果對於我國近年來積極透過社區營造相關政策所推動之地方文化產業發展的歷程,提出學理上的評析與檢視,所建構之評估指標系統不但能提供政府或相關社區未來在發展地方文化產業之量化評估參考,各指標之權重也代表學理上不同關鍵要素相對重要性的實證檢擇。 本研究的重要研究結論與建議如下:(一)在地方文化產業發展方面,隨著社會變遷、政治、經濟的發展,經歷了社區發展期、社區總體營造期、地方文化產業發展期;(二)在地方產業與文化的結合方面,地方文化產業的型塑是植根於社區居民與地方的地理、人文、歷史、景觀、地方產業、技藝與風俗之間互動建構與文化意義的分享;(三)地方文化產業的理論基礎涉及社會學學理的符號意義、後現代主義的生產消費的不缺定性、全球化與在地化的牽引;文化經濟學的文化產值的經濟效益;社區教育學的社區學習體系與社區發展、社區賦權的連結;(四)臺灣地方文化產業發展精神、內涵與法蘭克福學派的文化工業是有差異的;(五)在地方文化產業評估指標層面方面,涵括文化產業發展計畫、地方文化產業特性、行政輔導與行銷管理、社區學習與教育等四大系統;(六)本研究建構的相對權重體系部分,在整體指標部分以「文化產業特性系統」為最高,占總體指標權重分配值的26.85%,「文化產業推動系統」與「行政輔導與行銷管理系統」各占總體指標權重分配值的25.994%及25.990%,「社區學習與教育系統」佔21.16%。 在建議的部份,能運用本研究建構的評估指標與相對權重體系,評估與預測社區發展文化產業的條件。The Development of Local Cultural Industry in Taiwan and Construction of the Assessment Indicator System [Abstract] This research aimed to analyze the development of local cultural industry in Taiwan and construct the community-based assessment indicator system for local cultural industry. The research methods included the documentary analysis, Delphi method, and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Firstly, the author explored the concept of the cultural industry development, and demonstrated related theoretical foundation of the cultural industry, then overviewed the implementation of local cultural industry, and constructed the original assessment indicators for local cultural industry in Taiwan. Furthermore, based on assessment of quality of the indicators and the degree of their importance by Delphi technique, revision of the indicators framework and content was completed. Establish the assessment indicators of local cultural industry in community empowerment; assess the quality of the indicators and the degree of importance by Delphi technique. Finally, the author used Analytic Hierarchy Process to estimate indicators weights The research result was based on theory to criticize and examine the process of local cultural industry development under the relative policy of the community development. The assessment indicators system constructed was not only to offer the government or the community to quantitatively assesses its local cultural industry in the future, but also to propose every indicator weight to represent different relative importance theoretically. The conclusions and suggestions are as follows: (1).With the social, political, and economic changes, the development of local cultural industry went though three periods, including community development, community empowerment, and local cultural industry development. (2).The development of the local cultural industry was based on shared cultural meaning and interactions among community residents, local geographic, humanistic and historic features, and local industry, artistry and customs. (3).The theoretical foundation for local cultural industry included sociology, postmodernism, cultural economics, and community pedagogy. (4).The spirit and substantial of local cultural industry in Taiwan differed from those proposed by the Frankford School. (5).The assessment indictors of local cultural industry included four major categories: the development plan of cultural industry, characteristics of local cultural industry, administrative assistance and marketing management, and community learn and education. (6). According to the relative weight of the assessment indicator system constructed by this study, 26.85% of the relative weight was on characteristics of cultural industry, 25.994% was on promotion of cultural industry, 25.990% was on administrative assistance and marketing management, and 21.16% was on community learn and education. It was suggested that for applying the assessment indictors and weight system constructed would be adopted to assess and predict the conditions of community cultural industry development.地方文化產業社區發展評估指標社區總體營造德懷術階層分析程序法local culture industrycommunity developmentassessment indicatorcommunity empowermentDelphi technique Methodanalytic hierarchy process臺灣地方文化產業發展與評估指標系統之研究The Development of Local Cultural Industry in Taiwan and Construction of the Assessment Indicator System