歐陽鍾玲2014-10-272014-10-271998-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/23852Studies on the geomedical health care system have become more importantin medical geography. Geographical concepts and methods have been used toregulate issues regarding the placement of medical facilities, more specially inaddressing the need for balance between patient needs and needs of medicalresources.To create and build an effective geomedcial health care system, a number ofessential factors must be considered, including efficient organization of healthcare institute, physical environment, population, government regulation,economic status, culture, education, public transport, etc. The gap which existsbetween supplement of medical resource and needs of the patients are affected bypsychological and physical environmental barriers. Playing a crucial part inthis gap is the distance patient and medical facilities.The purpose of this study is threefold: 1) to build a geomedical health caresystem model. 2) to analyze the relative factors of medical resources in centralTaiwan, 1981-1990. 3) to analyze the spatial relationship between patients andhospital in central Taiwan, 1981-1990.Results will support the concept that population and distance between patientsand hospital are the two most significant factors affecting the geomedicalhealth care system in central Taiwan, 1981-1990.地理醫療體系網地理醫療體系網研究以1981-1990年臺灣中部醫療體系網為例