李根芳Ken-fang Lee劉美慧Mei-hui Liu2019-09-032013-2-202019-09-032013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698250164%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96076《101世界名歌集》是台灣政府第一次引進世界名曲,亦是第一次主導的歌詞翻譯活動成果,自一九五一年暑假開始策劃、執行,經過了半年多,完成了譯詞與詞曲嵌合工作,於一九五二年三月推出《101世界名歌集》。歌詞翻譯與其他翻譯文體的最大差別在於入歌的必要性,歌詞翻譯不僅受到語言規則的限制,同時更須具備音樂特質。本文的目的即在探究《101世界名歌集》歌詞翻譯的語言現象、音樂特質表現,以及文化的蘊含,藉助Christiane Nord的文本分析層面內涵,探討文本的時空背景與其所負載、實踐的功能,並透過原詞與譯詞的比對,瞭解歌詞翻譯的策略與方法,以及譯詞改寫的程度,進而分析譯詞的修辭、音樂內涵,探討歌詞翻譯的特殊性,最後再討論文本内的文化範疇,瞭解歌詞翻譯之譯者對文化詞彙、意涵的處理方式。 文本分析的結果顯示,當時世界名曲的歌詞翻譯依循的規範包括了可在忠實與改寫之間自由詮釋、應用修辭表現文學性、必定有韻、具音樂特質,以及在文化上維持基本的異國性。就整體文字風格而言,並無一致的規範與表現,但對於歌詞的內容風格則有著淨化與莊重的規範,讓歌詞跨越到中文的語境之後,能夠更行強化這些經典歌曲裡正向、正統的藝術性。《101世界名歌集》的歌曲開啟了一扇世界之窗,為學子與大眾開展視野,培育音樂賞析的能力,提供跨文化、具藝術性的音樂活水來源,讓人在聆賞與唱和之餘,心靈得以清澈如許。The One Hundred and One Best Songs was published by Taiwan Provincial Education Association in March, 1952. Eighty nine songs were translated by eight translators: Hsiao Er–hua, Chou Zue–pu, Hai Chou, Chang Yi, Liu Ting–fang, Wang Fei–li, Ting Tso–jen, Wang Yu–yuan. This was the first lyrics translation activity led by Taiwan Government. As several worldwide famous songs in this book are collected in the music textbooks in primary education, almost everyone is familiar with lyrics translation since young. However, lyrics translation has not received much attention from the research community. The purpose of this thesis is to explore language phenomena, musical elements and cultural contents of the Chinese lyrics. Adopting Christiane Nord’s text analysis method, this study discusses lyrics translation strategies, the challenges the translators faced, and also the background and function of The One Hundred and One Best Songs. The findings in this text analysis indicate that the lyrics translation of these world-famous songs followed a certain pattern and rules during that period. Except sacred songs, translators were free to choose between faithful expression and total rewrite. These translators used various rhetorical devices to demonstrate the literariness of the lyrics in accordance with the contemporary Chinese poetics. Rhyming and musicality was considered a necessity, while a certain foreignization was applied. This research also finds that there is no unified standard for translating these lyrics in terms of their language use or rhetorical devices. What is clear is that the themes of the song lyrics were rendered morally right and spiritually encouraging. As these world-famous songs traveled, they have been transformed and adjusted to our cultural contexts. Through music, the educational purpose and the appreciation of the world culture has been achieved by these successful lyrics translation.101世界名歌集歌詞歌詞翻譯The One Hundred and One Best Songslyricslyrics translation《101世界名歌集》歌詞翻譯研究A Case Study in Lyrics Translation of The One Hundred and One Best Songs