孫翼華Sun, Yi-Hua張雅淳Chang, Ya-Chun2020-12-102024-12-312020-12-102019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0005603127%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114438本研究主要探討以軍人為主題的創作,進而比較現代科技發達下的產物,微電影、連續劇等等,儘管科技就能呈現軍人的力與美,但依舊無法取代繪畫。筆者本身為軍人,針對軍中生活感同身受地細節捕捉,筆者內心的投射,萃取迷彩生活,並且轉化與呈現在創作中。 在緒論中闡述研究動機、目的、研究範圍、方法,並且針對幾個重要詞彙名詞解釋加以定義。第二章為論文的核心部分,從軍事軟實力為出發點,闡述軍中軟實力,軍中軟實力同時也就是圖像藝術,並說明圖像藝術的重要性及功能性;最後列舉幾位以軍人為題材的水墨創作畫家。第三章忠實刻劃內心的情感,呼應自身軍人身分,提到筆者欲利用自己的創作,提升軍人的形象,並將討論的內容聚焦創作內涵與形式,畫面的營造及構圖,來說明創作的形式與媒材以及個人的創作意念,在實踐創作的過程中,透過水墨及膠彩媒材之後筆者嘗試賦予畫面更豐富的層次與質感,也經由文獻資料之探究,學習運用。第四章創作理念和作品說明與分析,明確闡述創作理念及技法。第五章為結論的部分,希望透過自己的創作,與以往以軍人為創作題材的畫作不同,更期望自己在所處的新興世代,能夠加入新能量、新媒材,呈現出不同於以往詮釋的作品,在創作上有所突破,創造自我風格的獨特性。The research discusses the theme of the serviceman. Despite modern media such as micro films and TV dramas being able to portray the power and beauty of the serviceman, paintings remain as the essential way of presentation that cannot be easily replaced. The thesis transforms and captures details of military life as well as the inner reflection of the writer as a serviceman in real life. The introduction of the thesis includes the motivation, purpose, area of research, methodology and critical vocabulary definitions. The main concept is described in chapter 2 which builds on military soft power that is similar to art images. Theimportance and functionality of art images are also provided. In addition, ink wash painting artists who have adopted the serviceman as a theme for their paintings are also mentioned in the chapter. In chapter 3, the contents reflect on the inner emotions of the writer as a serviceman and the strong intention to enhance the serviceman image through the writer’s creation and art forms. Also, the chapter focuses on shaping art works, creative styles, materials and personal creative ideas. Ink wash and glue-pigment are also mentioned in the chapter as materials in the creative process of art-making to produce rich texture and quality. The study of documents and literature is also incorporated in the art works. Chapter 4 is about the creative concept and analysis of artworks, it elaborates on the ideas and techniques used. Chapter 5 is the conclusion which highlights that the writer’s art work centering on the serviceman is different from those in the past. As a part of the new generation, the writer hopes to make a difference and reach a breakthrough in terms of presenting artworks with new energy, materials and unique personal styles.迷彩戰鬥文藝軟實力彩墨創作CamoCombat ArtSoft PowerColor ink creation迷彩轉化-張雅淳彩墨創作論述Camouflage Transformation-The Color Ink Painting Discussion of Chang Ya Chun