張晏榕Chang, Yen-Jung岑顯頡Tsen, Hsien-Chieh2024-12-172024-07-312024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d53bb3ee3312d43c1d9722fdd2a01d16/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123296人們對休閒娛樂活動的關注度逐漸增加,消費者觀看影視節目變的方便,各家媒體廠商紛紛推出多樣化的作品,除電影、影集節目吸引消費者的目光,也包含不少動畫類作品。現今有七成Z世代(1990~2010)臺灣民眾有看動畫與漫畫的習慣,最長可以觀看到1小時左右(資策會,2021);但有時在追劇時,偶爾會產生棄劇,導致沒把影集看完的情況。因此,本研究旨想要瞭解,會觀看動畫影集的消費者,會因為何種原因,持續將動畫影集全季看完或沒看完的狀況,同時瞭解動畫影集特性和需求滿足之間的關係,對持續觀看意圖之影響。本研究利用google網路問卷,針對有習慣觀看動畫的族群發放,最終獲得322份有效問卷。透過研究發現,對動畫影集整體來說「故事內容」「宣傳」「評論」「認知需求」「社交需求」皆會影響其持續觀看意圖,其中,對連續劇類型動畫影集則是「故事內容」「評論」「情感需求」會影響,而「宣傳」「認知需求」「社交需求」會影響情境喜劇類型動畫影集持續觀看意圖,而「紓壓需求」則是觀眾對持續觀看動畫影集最強的需求意圖。People's interest in leisure and entertainment activities is steadily increasing, making it more convenient for consumers to watch TV programs. Media companies are launching diverse works, including movies, TV series, and many animated programs, to attract consumer attention. Currently, 70% of Taiwanese Generation Z (1990–2010) have a habit of watching animations and comics, with viewing durations of up to 1 hour (Information Policy Council, 2021). However, viewers sometimes abandon a series before finishing it. Therefore, this study aims to understand the reasons why consumers who watch animated series either continue or discontinue watching an entire season, as well as the relationship between the characteristics of animated series and satisfaction of needs on continuation viewing intention. This study used a Google online questionnaire targeting groups accustomed to watching animations, resulting in 322 valid responses. The findings reveal that for animated series overall, factors such as"story content," "publicity," "reviews," "cognitive needs," and "social needs" all influence the intention to continue watching. For series-type animated series, "story content," "reviews," and "emotional needs" are influential, while "publicity," "cognitive needs," and "social needs" influence the continuation viewing intention for sitcom-type animated series. The strongest need influencing viewers to continue watching animated series is "stress relief needs."動畫影集使用與滿足持續觀看意圖Animated albumsuses and gratificationscontinuance watching intention觀眾對動畫影集需求滿足與持續觀看意圖影響因素之研究A Study on the Gratifications of Needs and Influencing Factors on Audiences' Sustained Viewing Intentions for Animated Series學術論文