張建成Chang, Chien-Chen林靜榆Lim, Jing-Yee2024-12-179999-12-312024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/6aa6c798fb7969a91d73176b9a6a39e7/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122480馬來西亞從19世紀開始,因出口貿易蓬勃發展,吸引了大量不同文化背景的族群來到此地謀生。在英殖民政府分而治之的管治下,族群間的隔離與差異日漸顯著。隨著馬來西亞獨立建國與民族主義抬頭的挑戰,族群爭議進入白熱化階段。為了培育忠誠於國家的國民,馬來西亞政府通過國家教育改革,著手培養國家意識和國家精神,並強調馬來文化的優先地位。然而,這樣的國族政策卻忽略了少數族群的語言和文化權益,不同類型的華文學校因而誕生。當時,馬來西亞華裔族群為了維護華文教育,拒絕政府津貼,創辦了華文獨立中學。另外一部分的華文中學則接受政府津貼,改制為國民型華文中學。同為馬來西亞的華文中學,卻擁有不同教育體制與課程,所教與所學大不相同。在此環境脈絡下,本研究的重點,主要是想探討馬來西亞不同類型華文中學歷史教科書對於國族概念與族群概念的建構有何異同並期能歸納研究發現,提出有意義的結論與建議。本研究針對上述兩類華文中學之初中歷史教科書進行內容分析與對應分析的結果。整體上,雖然國民型華文中學在國族概念的呈現上更為豐富,華文獨立中學的初中歷史教科書則涵蓋了更多的華人族群概念內容,但兩種不同類型華文中學的「伊斯蘭」與「馬來」內容皆不少,並且這兩類華文中學皆以華族宗教與歷史王朝(王權)作為主要的(華人)族群建構內容。In the 19th century, Malaysia attracted many immigrants from diverse ethnicities. The British colonialist"divide and rule" policy had caused segregation and differentiation among these ethnic groups. To promote national loyalty, the Malaysian government has started on national education that emphasized the cultivation of national consciousness, with Malay culture being a priority that overlooked the language and cultural rights of minority groups. This led to the development of a variety of Chinese secondary schools. The Chinese community with a view to sustaining Chinese education, established Independent Chinese secondary schools that rejected the government subsidies. Meanwhile, some Chinese schools that opted to accept government funding had transformed into national-type Chinese secondary schools. Two different streams of Chinese secondary schools operated under different educational systems and curricula, resulting in substantial disparities in what was taught and learned. Hence, this research sought to understand the particularities of the Chinese schools within the historical context of Malaysia, aiming to discern discrepancies in the content of nation and ethnicity emphasis in the history textbooks used in these schools. Content analysis and correspondence analysis methodologies were employed. While national-type Chinese secondary schools demonstrated a greater portrayal of nation concepts, both Chinese secondary schools included significant content related to Islam and Malay culture. Furthermore, the history textbooks of independent Chinese secondary schools included a broader range of ethnic concepts derived from Chinese culture. Overall, both Chinese secondary schools have significantly emphasized Chinese religion and historical dynasties as the primary constructs for ethnicity content.國族族群馬來西亞歷史教科書華文獨立中學國民型華文中學nationethnicityMalaysia Chinese secondary school history textbooksIndependent Chinese secondary schoolsnational-type Chinese secondary schools馬來西亞華文中學教科書中的國族與族群建構The Conceptualization of Nation and Ethnicity in History Textbooks of The Chinese Secondary Schools in Malaysia學術論文