蔡芷芬Tsai, Chih-Fen徐書涵Hsu, Shu-Han2022-06-072022-01-242022-06-072022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/6c72ed2a7a71cd024c0dc77bf2815ad4/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116405本研究自2019年開始,筆者以自身為女性的身份為出發點,藉由文獻探討,梳理父權制在藝術史中所造成的影響,發掘古典西方繪畫作品中,男性視角的觀看至今仍如何影響著社會中的視覺習慣及審美標準,女性藝術家又是如何凝視女人,在比較男性和女性兩種凝視下的再現方法與形式過程中,探討歷經大眾傳播媒體以及網路世界活絡的時代變革,當代社會中的厭女心態作為父權制的變相延續,至今如何內化並體現在這個社會當中。在女性地位逐漸提升的當代,當女性試圖抗拒傳統的凝視時,勢必要面對觀看者與被凝視的對象之間的權力關係,因此筆者將探討從過去到現在,藝術創作中女性形象與女性氣質,在不同文化與時代背景之下的發展與異同,進而解析美少女作為流行文化中的視覺符號所產生的價值,以及作為男性凝視下被消費的形象面向。藉由創作研究,探討運用繪畫創作,論述作品從零到完成,創作的過程、媒材使用的方法,在技巧上反覆的琢磨與試驗,找到適切的形式與手法,同時在創作理念上利用文本的輔助確立邏輯的正確性,傳達筆者身為當代女性對社會所塑造出的女性形象的不安與質疑,逐步建立個人作品中獨特的表現風格。The research began in 2019, the author used her female identity as her starting point, sorting out the influences caused by patriarchy by probing into documents, discovering how male perspective has affected visual habits and aesthetic standard nowadays, and how feminine artists look upon female. By comparing the forms of the gazes of male and female, the author focuses on how misogyny had became the extension of patriarchy under the rendering of social media and the online world, and reflect it onto the society.While female status is on the rise, when female tries to resist the glare of tradition, they are bound to face the power relationships between the viewer and the person being seen. Therefore the author would make a thorough inquiry in the feminine images and temperaments of arts from past to present, wanting to discover the similarities and differences caused by distinct cultures and time. Moreover, the author would analyze how beautiful female held values in popular culture and how they are consumed by a male’s gazeBy researching arts and how they are created, discoursing the process of how a piece of art is made, pondering the different techniques, the author could find a most suitable method, and at the same time build logic on her creating philosophy, sending the message that women are disturbed by the image that the society had shaped women into, and gradually establish a unique style in her work.厭女凝視女性形象美少女misogynygazefemale imagebishojo她們都是兔子-徐書涵創作論述They are all rabbits-The Artistic Creation of Hsu, Shu-Han