林至誠Chih-Cheng Lin詹欣容Hsin-jung Chan2019-09-032011-8-92019-09-032010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696210299%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97766本研究旨在探討學生於電腦支援協作環境中的英語字彙學習,希望能進一步了解學生感知、學習效果及其影響因素之間的關係。本研究提出三個研究問題:(一)無電腦個別學習、無電腦合作學習、電腦支援合作學習三組在字彙測驗中是否有顯著差異?(二)以英文為外語之中學學生於電腦支援協作環境中的英語字彙學習之感知為何?(三)影響學生感知的可能因素為何?本研究以台灣某國中三個班級91位八年級學生為實驗對象,將此三個班級分為無電腦個別學習、無電腦合作學習、及電腦支援合作學習三個組別。所有學生均於參與三堂課的字彙練習前做字彙前測,在每一次字彙練習結束後,即接受立即後測;實驗結束的一個月後,則接受延宕後測。電腦支援合作學習組的學生另填寫一份問卷,並訪談其中六位學生。 量化資料顯示,儘管字彙學習以個人為目標,加入電腦以及合作學習的實驗處理並不會削弱字彙學習的成效,電腦支援合作學習組中的學習者,在字彙測驗上的表現並不遜色,甚至在延宕後測的表現更優於其他兩組,顯示出較佳的學習保留。由質化資料分析得知,電腦組中超過七成的研究對象,對於在此環境中學習字彙抱持正面態度且有所期待;深入分析發現學習任務的本質、共用電腦、及分組方式,影響了學生的感知、以及他們採取的學習方式、甚至是學習成效。最後,針對本研究結果,作者認為電腦支援協作環境中的學習,並非必然成功,而需要審慎的考量及設計,因此提出幾項建議作為教學實務及未來研究上的參考。The study was intended to explore students’ perceptions of learning English vocabulary in a computer-supported collaborative environment, in the hope of probing into the relationship between learners’ perceptions, learning effects, and influencing factors. Three main research questions were addressed in the current study: (1) Are there any significant differences between the group of individual learning without computers, the group of collaborative learning without computers, and the group of collaborative learning with computers in vocabulary tests? (2) What are EFL high school students’ perceptions of learning vocabulary in a computer-supported collaborative environment? (3) What are the possible factors that influence learners’ perceptions? We recruited 91 eighth-graders from three intact classes in a junior high school in Taiwan, assigning one class to learning individually without computers, another group learning collaboratively without computers and the other learning collaboratively with computers. All participants took a pretest before three sets of vocabulary exercises in three periods; after each set, they took an immediate posttest; and, a month after the experiment, all took a delayed posttest. The computer group also completed a questionnaire and six students were interviewed. The quantitative data showed that despite the individual-oriented nature of vocabulary learning, the treatment of computer and collaboration did not debilitate learners’ acquisition of vocabulary. The participants learning collaboratively with computers were not outperformed in vocabulary tests designed for individual study; moreover, they showed better retention, outperforming the others in the delayed posttest. From the qualitative data, more than 70% of the participants in the computer group reported a positive attitude and anticipation to learning vocabulary in such an environment. A further analysis found the nature of tasks, sharing of computers, and grouping not only influence our participants’ perceptions but also have an effect on learning approaches they adopted as well as the learning outcomes. Finally this study agrees that success is not guaranteed but deliberate design needs to be considered before learners are engaged in a computer-supported collaborative learning environment. Several pedagogical implications and suggestions for future research are proposed.電腦支援協作學習英語字彙學習學生感知computer-supported collaborative learningEnglish vocabulary learningstudent perceptions電腦支援協作環境中的英語字彙學習:臺灣國中個案研究Learning English Vocabulary in a Computer-Supported Collaborative Environment: A Case Study in a Junior High School in Taiwan