張建成Chang Chien-Chen姜信彰Chiang Hsin-Chang2019-08-282011-8-172019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696000151%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90150Bourdieu文化資本理論為教育社會學研究提供一種不同的視野,也受到後人廣泛的應用及探究,但隨著時空背景脈絡的不同,文化資本理論也受到不同的考驗。過去相關研究大多聚焦於文化資本與學業成就的關係,且也大致證實了兩者關係的存在,但似乎較少人探討文化資本間的內部關係,以及家庭轉化文化資本的過程。 本研究係以 Bourdieu的文化資本理論為出發點,試圖瞭解高中學生文化資本的差異,旨在探究不同性別、家庭經濟因素、制度化文化資本、客觀化文化資本和家庭過程之學生,在形體化文化資本上的差異。過去有許多研究針對文化資本進行探究,但因為所採用的文化資本指標不同,而造成結果亦有差異,使得文化資本之內涵亦有所爭議。 本研究採取量化研究設計,首先以描述統計分析研究對象的特性分佈情形,並以因素分析從TEPS題項中粹取相關因素和指標,最後直接以多元回歸分析考驗背景變項和中介變項對形體化文化資本的預測力,經由以上方法,本研究所得的結論如下: 一、 女生自我教化程度高於男生;男生學習態度程度則高於女生 二、 家庭經濟因素對於形體化文化資本並無顯著影響 三、 制度化文化資本對於形體化文化資本並無顯著影響 四、 客觀化文化資本對於形體化文化資本並無顯著影響 五、 父親和母親關心子女教育對形體化文化資本有正向影響 基於研究發現與結論,本研究提出未來研究的建議,備供參酌。Bourdieu's theory of cultural capital provides another perspective for sociology of education, and whose theory has also been adapted and discussed by succeeding study. But it is challenged for different time and space that most of previous studies focused on the relation between cultural capital and student achievement and which was confirmed. But the internal relation among cultural capitals and the process of capital transformation by family are less concerned. This study takes Bourdieu’s cultural capital concept, trying to understand the differences of cultural capital among high school students. The main concern is over the differences of the embodied state among students in genders, family economic factors, the institutionalized state, the objected state and family processes. However, some controversies are mentioned due to different cultural capital indicators. Statistical methods such as “descriptive statistical” are reported as mean for continuous variables; continuous variables are analyzed using “Factor analysis”. In addition, ”Multiple Regression Analysis” is performed. The major findings are as follows: 1. Girls maintain higher self-enlightenment than boys, while boys get higher learning attitude than girls. 2. Family economic factors have no significance on the embodied state. 3. The institutionalized state has no significance on the embodied state. 4. The objected state has no significance on the embodied state. 5. Concerns from Fathers and Mothers over children’s education have significance on the embodied state.文化資本家庭過程形體化文化資本cultural capitalfamily processthe embodied state高中學生文化資本之探究─以TEPS第一波資料為例Cultural capital of high school students: The data of first wave of Taiwan Educational Panel Survey