曲兆祥Chu, Chao-Hsiang林威志Lin, Wei-Chih2019-08-282023-07-292019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G080136003F%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85453自1989年開始參與式預算在世界各國逐漸形成風潮,不論各地實施之目的是為資源配置移轉、提高民眾對社區公共事務的參與或是給予弱勢族群表達意見的管道,成為地方治理的一種重要工具。 本研究以台北市參與式預算為例,透過與紐約的比較進行文獻探討,從參與式預算、預算決策相關理論,及台北市現行推動情形,進一步探討參與式預算的實施,對於預算過程中的籌編及執行二個階段,分析參與式預算帶來之影響。本文認為台北市有專屬權責單位的必要性,參與式預算過程冗長、程序繁複需長時間辦理及做好充分橫縱向溝通聯繫工作,台北市政府民政局有指定單位進行的程序,台北市有相關之專責推動或執行單位,卻仍沒有一個專責單位。目前,參與式預算執行實踐過短,於是形成社區宣傳時間不足,討論期不足,缺乏長期陪伴來精緻化或提昇提案品質的機會。我們也看到期程壓縮的結果,造成市政府與公民間,民眾間的討論與了解太少,提案溝通不良及監督執行控管平台初階化。 目前實施情形,因其總額占總預算歲出比例不大,在現行預算籌編過程,對於總體支出控管未帶來顯著影響,至於執行階段,與以往沒有透過參與式預算模式相較,在施工前置作業及規劃設計階段,均納入公民意見及參與機會,民眾政治效能感較高。另對於政策規劃影響,現階段並未影響到政府既有之政策方向,參與式預算對於議員問政無顯著影響,供作後續推動之參考。Participatory budget has gained its popularity worldwide since 1989. It has become an important means for local autonomy in terms of resources allocation, motivating residents’ participation in public affairs, or providing disadvantaged groups vowing channels. The purpose of this study was to review the implementation of participatory budget in Taipei City with the comparison of that implemented in the New York City through relevant theories concerning participatory budget and budget policies. And, furtherly explored the influence of planning and implementation of participatory budget. The study found that the process of implementing participatory budget was quite complicate and lengthy and vertical and lateral coordination between departments were kind of ill. Hence, the study suggested that the Taipei City should have a new department gearing to the implementation of participatory budget in addition to the Department of Civil Affairs that is in charge of the process of project management. The experience, as well as promotion, of participatory budget is kind of insufficient in the Taipei City , which has downgraded the quality of proposals. As the time span for the process of participatory budget was compressed, the communication between the residents and government and the discussion among residents were kind of short. In fact, the implementation and supervision of participatory budget is still in an early stage in the Taipei City . This study concluded that the participatory budget did not affect the overall budget in the City of Taipei because of its tiny proportion so far. However, residents are more interested in participating in the process of participatory budget as their voices were heard. The participatory budget has not affected the city government’s existing policy or city councilmen’s political events.參與式預算公民參與審議式民主Participatory BudgetCitizen ParticipationDeliberative Democracy參與式預算的發展經驗與制度邏輯—以台北市與紐約市為例Participatory Budget Development Experience and Institutional Logic -Take the cases of Taipei City and New York City for examples