黃乃熒陳麗霞2014-10-272014-10-272002-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17274本文旨在探索國民中學學校行政瘋狂行為成因及影響的路路徑分析。學校行政瘋狂行為,係指人們超越文化慣例,且失控、脫序的行為。學校行政瘋張行為起因於學校行政結機關係的不合理。通常學校行政結構包括開放型及封閉型,並經由衝突而產生,包括心理、社會及生理衝突,最後對於學校行政目標產生影響,包括效率、效能、創意性及正當性。這樣的關係及影響流程會構成學校行政瘋狂行為解釋的模式。因此討論學校行政瘋狂行為的成因及影響,益形重要。為達此目的,本研究主要採用調查研究法蒐集資料,並在全臺灣地區718所國民中學中,以分層隨機抽取101所學校為樣本。共寄出1306份問卷,有效回收問卷為985份,有效回收率為75.42%。同時,本研究採用線性結構模式進行統計處理,並根據結果,提出結論與建議。This study presents a path analysis of the causes and effects of madness in junior high school administrations in Taiwan. Here "madness" is defined as uncontrolled or "out-of-order" behavior, behavior which transgresses and produced through psychological, social and physical conflicts. Eventually, madness influences the specific goals of a school administration, and more generally its effectiveness, efficiency, legitimacy, and creativity. These four categories then provide a theoretical basis for determining the degree of madness in junior high school administrations. In order to improved administrations, the degree of madness (or distortion or limitation within these four categories) must be measured. Therefore this study uses the questionnaire method to collect data, choosing 101 out of 718 junior high schools, through a stratified random sampling approach, as samples; of 1036 questionnaires sen4t out, 985 completed ones were obtained and studied. The Linear Structural Model was then used to test the theoretical basis of madness in Taiwan's junior high school administrations.學校行政瘋狂行為線性結構模式路徑分析School administrationMadnessLinear structural modelPath analysis國民中學學校行政瘋狂行為的成因與影響之路徑分析A Path Analysis of the Causes and Effects of Madness at the Administrative Level in Taiwan's Junior High School