孫愛光Sun, Ai-Kuang姜智浩Chiang, Chih-Hao2023-12-082023-02-072023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/bb4da4602b177a797fd3faadeb356823/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121806《聖母悼歌》(Stabat Mater)為喬望尼.巴悌斯塔.裴哥雷西(Giovanni Buttista Pergolesi, 1710-1736)於一七三六年受那不勒斯世俗兄弟會「痛苦之母騎士團(Cavalieri Vergine dei dolori)」的委託創作,共有十二首樂曲,是裴哥雷西生前在病痛中所完成的最後一部作品,其拉丁歌詞結構嚴謹且寓意深遠,為十八世紀羅可可風格中華麗曲風的代表性作品,並反映出了巴洛克後期的審美觀。原始的創作為獨唱與二重唱編制,但由於優美的旋律線條與豐富的情感張力而深受大家喜愛,如今常被改編為合唱的型式演出。本論文將逐一探究《聖母悼歌》的時代風格、作曲家生平、文詞沿革與創作背景,再將十二首樂曲分別透過「樂曲架構」與「指揮詮釋」兩大部分進行闡述,並結合實際排練與音樂會的展演過程提出個人見解,以作為日後國人在指揮本作品時的參考資訊。The Stabat Mater, composed by Giovanni Buttista Pergolesi (1710-1736) was commissioned by the Neapolitan brotherhood of the Cavalieri della Vergine dei dolori in 1736. The work includs 12 songs, and is the last work that Pergolesi completed during his illness. The Latin lyrics are well knit and far-reaching in meaning. It is a representative work of the galant style of Rococo in the eighteenth century and reflected the aesthetics of the late Baroque. The original setting was written for solo and duet, but it has became a popular piece to everyone due to its beautiful melodic lines and rich emotional intensity, so nowadays, it is often adapted into a choral performance. This thesis will focus on the creative style, composer’s life, historical evolution of the lyrics and composition background of Stabat Mater, and each song will be explained through the two parts of “Music Structure Analysis” and “Conducting Interpretation”, and provide personal opinions as reference information for these who wish to perform this work in the future.裴哥雷西聖母悼歌指揮詮釋PergolesiStabat Materconducting interpretation裴哥雷西《聖母悼歌》之指揮詮釋研究The Interpretative Conducting Study of G.B. Pergolesi: Stabat Materetd