胡心慈Shin-Tzu Hu王恒晟Heng-Sheng, Wang2024-12-172024-09-062024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a3b0c33fc7a319f20e75953290a15c38/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122558本研究採用個案研究方法,探究北部某高中輔導室老師實施CICO策略介入學生情緒行為問題之影響。透過半結構訪談的方式,針對4位高中輔導室教師採用CICO策略之經驗,訪談3位特教老師、2位輔導老及3位班級導師,加上研究者實際觀察與自我陳述,從中探討高中實施CICO策略介入的背景條件、關鍵因素、學生在實施前後差異與對其後續行為之影響。本研究發現如下: 一、高中資源班面對高中特教生情緒行為問題處境艱困,學生好發人際問題、拒學問題、衝動控制、性別問題等,老師苦於介入時間點與時間不足的困難。 二、高中CICO策略的重要因素跟學生特質、目標設定、檢核彈性、例行流程習慣及家庭有關。 三、CICO策略相較過往既有的介入方法,具有每日檢核、規則清楚、目標具體、視覺化數據紀錄、事件處理時間軸提前、倒吃甘蔗、自我檢核、執行容易等特點。 四、CICO策略對學生的改變,有問題行為下降、建立溝通管道、學生心態轉正向、建立因果關係連結、訓練學生自我管理等特質。 五、CICO策略對教師的改變,能清楚看待行為問題、數據化決策、持續與學生溝通調整等特質。 六、CICO策略對於認知程度一般或較佳如學術型高中的資源班學生,效果可能有限。This study employs a case study methodology to explore the impact of implementing the Check-in/Check-out (CICO) strategy by counseling teachers at a high school in northern Taiwan on students' emotional and behavioral issues. Through semi-structured interviews, the study examines the experiences of four senior high school counseling teachers who employed the CICO strategy, along with the perspectives of three special education teachers, two counselors, and three homeroom teachers. Additionally, the researcher's own observations and self-reports are incorporated to investigate the background conditions, key factors, and the differences in student behavior before and after the implementation of the CICO strategy, as well as its subsequent impact on their behavior.The findings of the study are as follows: 1.The resource classroom in senior high school faces significant challenges in addressing the emotional and behavioral issues of special education students. These students encounter interpersonal problems, school refusal, impulse control issues, and gender-related issues, with teachers frequently struggling with the timing of interventions and insufficient time. 2.Key factors for implementing CICO at the senior high school are related to student characteristics, goal setting, flexibility in assessment, routine procedures, and family-related factors.3.Compared to traditional intervention methods, the CICO strategy is characterized by daily monitoring, clear rules, specific goals, visualized data records, earlier event handling timelines, incremental self-checks, ease of implementation, and promotion of self-monitoring.4.The impact of the CICO strategy on students includes a reduction in problem behaviors, the establishment of new communication channels, a shift towards positive attitudes, the formation of causal relationships, and the training of self-management skills.5.For teachers, the CICO strategy enables clearer understanding of behavioral issues, data-driven decision-making, and continuous communication and adjustment with students.6.The effectiveness of the CICO strategy may be limited for students with average or higher cognitive abilities, such as those in academic-oriented senior high schools.個案研究高中資源班簽到/𥱣退正向行為支持情緒行為問題Case StudyHigh School Resource ClassroomCheck-In/Check-Out (CICO)Positive Behavioral SupportEmotional and Behavioral Issues簽到/簽退(Check-in/Check-out)策略應用於高中之個案研究-以北部某高中為例A Case Study of the Implementation the Check-in/Check-out Strategy in High School學術論文