鄭玉姍Cheng, Yu-shan2014-10-272014-10-272012-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/25103《小雅‧斯干》中以「夢蛇」為生女之兆,可見遠古時虺蛇必被賦予強烈女性意象。筆者由神話、圖騰崇拜及古文物中搜集相關資料,認為此夢兆極可能源自遠古的蛇崇拜與女媧的始祖母形象。蛇的生命力、繁殖力與女媧創育人類的故事正切合先民對女性孕育功能的崇拜與嚮往,再經由神話、信仰的演變流傳,形成了〈斯干〉中的夢占。“Shi Jing, Si gan” interpreted a dream about bear or snake as the omen of giving birth to a boy or girl respectively, which naturally indicates a strong connection between snakes and female image in the ancient time. The author tried to identify the connection between snakes and female image in the ancient time from mythology, totemism and ancient literature in order to find out a more reasonable and appropriate explanation for the interpretation of a dream about snake as the omen of giving birth to a girl.詩經小雅斯干夢占生女夢兆蛇崇拜女媧神話Shi Jing(詩經)Si gan(斯干)snaketo divine by interpreting dreams《小雅‧斯干》「維虺維蛇,女子之祥」夢兆探源Tracing the Interpretation of a Dream about Snake as the Omen of Giving Birth to a Girl in “Shi Jing, Si gan(詩經‧斯干)