林幸台曾美娟Mei-Chuan Tseng2019-08-282003-9-182019-08-282003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000403%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91952本研究主要目的在探討台北市國小特殊教育教師對專業團隊運作之了解程度、基本態度、參與程度以及面臨困難。 本研究研究方法採調查法,調查對象為95名台北市國小啟智班與多障班特教老師,以自編之「台北市國小特殊教育教師參與專業團隊運作現況調查研究問卷」作為研究工具,所得資料以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe’事後比較法、卡方檢定、多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行處理。 本研究之主要發現如下: 一、特教老師大致了解專業團隊運作的基本內容,惟對於尋求專業人員到校服務的程序較不熟悉。 二、特教老師對專業團隊運作抱持正向的態度,亦能肯定自己在專業團隊中的角色地位,並認同專業之間的合作關係與將專業建議融入教學的重要性。 三、特教老師對於專業團隊運作之參與程度為中等程度,在「專業成長」之參與程度較高,其次為「融入教學」,在「專業合作」之參與程度較低。 四、特教老師在參與專業團隊運作時所面臨的困難,主要在於「溝通問題」與「行政支援」兩方面。而不同性別、服務年資、學歷背景、接觸經驗之特教老師,在面臨困難方面具有顯著差異。 五、不同年齡、服務年資、接觸經驗之特教老師,在專業團隊運作之了解、態度及參與程度上有顯著差異。 六、特教老師對專業團隊運作的了解程度與基本態度,可解釋其參與程度36.8﹪的變異量,其中以了解程度變項的預測效果較高。 最後,本研究根據上述發現,提出對教育行政單位、師資訓練單位、學校、特殊教育教師及未來研究等五方面的相關建議。The purpose of this study was to understand the knowledge, attitude,participation and difficulties of elementary spe- cial teachers in collaborative team in Taipei City. The self-constructed questionnaire "The participation of elementary school special education teachers in collaborative team" was used in this survey study.The sample was drawn from 95 elementary special teachers who teach students with mental- retardation and multiple-disabilities in Taipei City. The obtained data were analyzed by t-test,one-way ANOVA, Scheffe' post hoc multiple comparisons,X²-square and multiple stepwise regression. The main findings were as follows: 1.The special teachers generally have a basic unders- tanding of the content of collaborative team service,but not familiar with the procedure of seeking for the assistance of professionals. 2. The special teachers have a posititive attitude toward the collaborative team service, their roles in the collabo- rative team,the importance of professional collaboration and the inclusion of therapeutic strategy in the teaching. 3. The level of participation of special teachers in the collaborative team is on the average. The highest domain they participate is "professional growth" , "integrating therapies into instruction" is next, and the lowest is "profe- ssional collaboration". 4. The difficulties special teachers encounter in the collaborative team service is mainly in "communication" and "administrative support". And there were significant diffe- rences among special teachers with different sex,the number of years of teaching,educational background,and experience of contact with the disabilities. 5. There were significant differences in the knowledge, attitude and the level of participation among special teachers with different age , the number of years of teaching , and experience of contact with the disabilities . 6.The knowledge and attitude of special teachers toward collaborative team service can explain 36.8% variance of the particitation , and the "knowledge" domain assumes a better forecast effect. Further discussion was made on the basis of the previous findings, and suggestions on the administrational agency , teacher-training angency, school,special teachers and future research were offered.國小特殊教育專業團隊運作台北市國小特殊教育教師參與專業團隊運作現況調查研究