掌慶維Ching-Wei CHANG葉菁菁Ching-Ching YEH2019-09-052011-2-012019-09-052010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0596043102%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105403 本研究旨在瞭解研究者所服務之國中學生體適能現況,並調查學生在日常生活中之動靜態生活情形與日常飲食習慣,同時從中探討學生的身體活動狀況和體適能表現、以及睡眠習慣的關係,以期能做為本校日後推動身體活動的基礎,擬訂相關目標、策略與行動方案。主要研究對象為七至九年級學生,扣除本校特殊學生及預試班級,正式問卷發出767份問卷,得有效問卷689份,無效問卷78份,有效問卷達90%(N=689)。所得資料以次數分配、百分比、平均數來進行現況描述,並以皮爾森積差相關、史皮爾曼相關、單因子變異數、卡方檢定來進行相關分析。依據上述方法,得到以下結果: 一、現況部分:(1)本校之體適能狀態男優於女,BMI指數約30%體重呈現過重之現象;瞬發力以及心肺適能為整體表現中最需加強的部份,整體體適能成績除了柔軟度較理想,其他四項仍呈現待加強之狀態。(2)生活型態中之飲食方面三餐進食狀況尚屬正常範圍,但卻有逐漸偏向高油脂食物以及每天吃零食和喝含糖飲料的飲食文化。睡眠部分幾乎都有晚睡之習慣,並無法從睡眠中獲得精神上的滿足。另外,在日常身體活動方面,大部分皆可達到活動量足夠或以上,平日最常做的身體活動是走路,評估整體研究參與者之生活型態,仍以靜態生活多於動態生活。 二、相關部分:(1)睡眠習慣與平日的身體活動表現上未達顯著,但BMI與睡眠習慣、日常身體活動量三者達到顯著之差異性。(2)體適能與睡眠習慣兩者皆未達顯著,然而,體適能與日常身體活動量兩者之間呈現正相關的情況,而研究參與者家庭社經背景之層次,無法推論研究參與者在國中時期的體適能成績表現。 The purpose of study was to explore junior high school students’ physical fitness, daily lifestyle, and daily eating habits. In order to promote physical activity of school and draw up objectives, strategies and action plans, this research was to study the correlation between students’ physical activity, physical fitness, and sleeping habits. The participants of the study were junior high school students, but not including special needs students and pre-trial classes. There were 767 questionnaires, the valid surveys were 689. The rate of the valid surveys was 90% (N=689). The data gathered from the questionnaires was discussed by frequency distribution, percentage, and mean. The data gathered from the survey was also analyzed by the Pearson’s correlation, Spearman rank correlation, one-way ANOVA, and Chi-square test. The main conclusions of this study were as follows: 1. General status: (1) Male pupils’ physical fitness was more better than female pupils. The BMI was 30% pupils’, showed that the weight was overweight, instantaneous force and cardiopulmonary needed to be strengthened. The flexibility in fitness scores was better, but the other scores needed to be promoted. (2) The statistics showed that their daily eating habits were nothing special. However, the food culture bias was to eat high-fat food, snacks, and sugary drinks. Sleep habits were to stay up late and were not satisfied. The daily physical activity was sufficient. Walking is the most common physical activity. Nevertheless, assessing the overall lifestyle of the participants, students’ static lifestyles were more common than the dynamic ones. 2. Correlation study: (1) The sleeping habit was not significantly correlated with daily physical activity, but there was a significant difference among sleeping habit, daily physical activity, and BMI value. (2) There was not a significant difference between the physical fitness and sleeping habit. The daily physical activity was significantly positive correlated with the physical fitness. Furthermore, family socioeconomic background was not suitable for inferring physical fitness score of junior high school students.體適能日常生活型態國中生physical fitnessdaily lifestylejunior high school students國中生體適能狀況與日常生活型態之研究-以台北縣某國中為例-A study on physical fitness and daily lifestyle of junior high school students―