程瑞福Cheng, Rui-Fu郭鎧華Kuo, Kai-Hua2024-12-172025-05-312024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a49f62b6f28133fc467f786664438e17/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/123758近年來,電子競技靠著科技和網路技術的進步崛起,成為時下最夯、最具潛力的新興產業。然而,在全球及亞洲許多國家電競連年持續蓬勃發展的對比下,臺灣電競的產值雖亦上升,但專業人才卻反向出走。雖然政府在2017年將電競納入運動產業發展條例中,但電競的發展仍需要政策持續的改善,成為帶動產業鏈的推力,並著手於人才的培育。本研究透過半結構式訪談法,訪談臺灣現役資深電競選手,探討臺灣電競選手職業生涯的概況,並了解電競環境與選手職涯發展的相互關係。依相關文獻內容與訪談結果進行分析與探討,所得結論如下:一、臺灣電競選手的職業生涯發展歷程,起因於對電競的喜愛,惟受整體大環境影響仍有許多不確定因素。二、臺灣電競選手在職涯發展上的困境和傳統運動員近似,含現實經濟、專業技術、及親友的支持等層面,唯有各層面能健全,才能有更良好的發展機會。三、臺灣電競環境發展時間已久,但卻遠遠落後於其他主要發展國家,缺乏政府及民間積極推動的決心。四、臺灣電競人才培育需要以產學合作的方式來進行,由政府作為企業與學界的溝通橋樑,讓人才育成不背離實際運用,臺灣電競產業才能具有永續發展契機。By leveraging advanced technology and internet connectivity, esports has risen to prominence as one of the most promising emerging industries in recent years. Despite the continuous growth of esports globally, including in many Asian countries, Taiwan has experienced an increase in revenue but a reverse trend in its talent pool. Although the government included esports in the Sports Industry Development Act in 2017, further policy improvements are still needed to drive the industry and focus on talent development. This study utilized semi-structured interviews to interview experienced esports players in Taiwan, aiming to gain an overview of their professional careers and understand the relationship between the environment and their career development. Through analysis and discussion of relevant literature and interview results, the following conclusions were drawn:1. The professional career development of esports players in Taiwan began with a love for games but was influenced by many uncertainties due to the overall environment.2. The challenges faced by esports players in Taiwan in their careers were similar to those of traditional athletes, including aspects such as economic support, professional skills, and support from their family and friends. Only when all aspects were sound could there be better development opportunities.3. While the development of the esports environment in Taiwan has been long-standing, it has lagged far behind other major developed countries, lacking the determination and active promotion of both the government and the industry.4. The cultivation of esports talent in Taiwan needed to be carried out through industry-academia collaboration, with the government serving as a bridge between the industry and academia, ensuring that talent development aligned with practical applications. This approach could provide Taiwan's esports industry with sustainable development opportunities.電子競技電競選手職涯發展電競環境電競產業esportsesports playerscareer developmentesports environmentesports industry臺灣電競選手職涯發展的探究The Study on Career Development of Taiwanese Professional eSports Players學術論文