周麗端洪晟惠2019-08-282010-8-262019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696060010%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87036本研究在探討家庭結構、家人關係與生活滿意度之間的關聯;研究採用方便抽樣的方式,從研究者認識的人際網絡及街頭訪問等,找尋符合本研究對象條件的受詴者(40歲至60歲、父母其一尚存、已婚、至少擁有一個不限年齡的子女)進行問卷調查,問卷共計發出730份問卷,回收499份,將歲數超出限制、漏答過多、沒有與家人同住者剔除後,有效問卷共有381份;研究工具包括「生活滿意度量表」、「家人關係量表」以及「個人基本資料」三部分;研究結果以統計軟體SPSS 18.0(PASW Statistics)進行資料分析,統計方法包括:描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、迴歸分析;研究結論條列如下: 壹、 中年世代的家人關係 一、 中年世代的家人關係還算良好 二、 女性中年世代比男性中年世代有顯著較良好的情感傳達 三、 年齡越大的中年世代有顯著越良好的訊息交換 四、 結婚年數越久的中年世代有顯著越良好的訊息交換 貳、 中年世代的生活滿意度 一、 中年世代的生活滿意度還算滿意 二、 年齡越大的中年世代有顯著越良好的生活滿意度 三、 社經地位越高的中年世代有顯著越良好的生活滿意度 四、 結婚年數越久的中年世代有顯著越良好的生活滿意度 五、 家庭生命週期位於第四階段(中年父母階段、退休階段)的中年世代,其生活滿意度比位於第一階段(子女學前階段、子女學齡階段)、第二階段(子女青少年階段)、第三階段(子女送出階段)時為高。 六、 家人關係越好的中年世代有顯著越良好的生活滿意度 七、 家人關係三陎向中,以訊息交換最能解釋生活滿意度。 八、 與家人之間的訊息交換、問題解決情形,在各家庭生命週期中都對生活滿意度具有顯著的正向解釋力This research aims to investigate the connections among family structure, family relationships, and life satisfaction. A questionnaire survey was carried out on a convenience sample of people recruited from the researcher’s social network and the street interviews conducted by the researcher. Participants had to meet the requirements for target respondents: 40- to 60-years-old, married, having at least one living parent, and having at least one child at any age. Out of the 730 copies of questionnaires distributed, 499 copies were collected. The data were eliminated if the respondent did not conform to the age limit, skipped too many questions, or did not live with his/her family. The remaining copies comprised 381 effective samples. The research tools were composed of three parts: “Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS),” “Family Relationships Questionnaire,” and “personal background information.” The data were analyzed with the statistic software SPSS 18.0 (PASW Statistics). The statistic methods adopted included descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient, and regression analysis. The following conclusions can be derived from the results in two perspectives. First, the interactions of family relationships of the middle-aged generation with personal background and family structure were investigated. The results suggested that the middle-aged generation generally maintains good relationships with the other family members. Women in middle age have significantly better access to expressing their emotions than men in middle age. The elder members of the middle-aged generation have significantly better cognitive interchange with their family than the younger members. The middle-aged adults with longer years of marriage demonstrate significantly better cognitive interchange with their family than the ones with shorter years of marriage. Second, the middle-aged generation’s life satisfaction was the focus of research. The results indicated that middle-aged generation is generally content with their life. The elder members of the middle-aged generation perceive significantly greater life satisfaction than the younger counterparts. The middle-aged adults with higher socioeconomic status feel significantly more satisfied with their life than the ones with lower socioeconomic status. The middle-aged adults with longer years of marriage also show significantly greater life satisfaction than the ones with shorter years of marriage. Where family life cycle is concerned, the middle-aged adults at the fourth stage (the stage of middle-aged parents and the stage of retirement) experience significantly greater life satisfaction than the ones at the first stage (the stage of families with preschool-aged children and the stage of families with school-aged children), the second stage (the stage of families with teenagers), and the third stage (the stage of families launching young adults). Furthermore, the middle-aged adults who maintain better relationships with their family are significantly more satisfied with their life than the ones who do not. Among the three dimensions of family relationships, cognitive interchange can best account for the middle-aged adults’ life satisfaction. Both dimensions of cognitive interchange and problem solving among family members provide significantly positive predictions for life satisfaction in every stage of family life cycle.中年世代家庭結構家人關係生活滿意度middle-aged generationfamily structurefamily relationshipslife satisfaction家庭結構、家人關係與生活滿意度之研究—以中年世代為例Effects of Family Structure and Family Relationships on Life Satisfaction— An Example of Middle-aged Generation