葉銘泉周易行2019-08-282011-7-282019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095073105%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88347本研究目的在探討某國立大學新生宿舍同儕輔導方案,新生對方案實施後的滿意度為主要研究範圍,研究兼採問卷調查研究法及質性訪談方式進行研究,針對案例學校99學年度第2學期大學部住宿新生及同儕輔導者為研究對象,問卷採普測方式實施,全校大一新生寄發出問卷1445份,問卷回收率為83.25%,剔除無效問卷後,有效問卷1125份,有效率為77.85%。 研究工具在調查方面為「宿舍同儕輔導方案滿意度調查表」,問卷內容包含四個分量表,分別是「生活與安全調查表」、「學習與服務調查表」、「就學與生涯調查表」、「校園認同調查表」。經專家效度、預試,據以修正調查表表。各調查表之Cronbach α 係數介於.85至.88間。 根據實際所得資料,研究結果發現:(1)新生整體滿意度以校園認同最滿意,就學與生涯最需要改進(2)整體滿意度以數學系滿意度最高,化學系最低(3)不同性別、國籍、入學方式、不同住宿經驗變項在滿意度有些許差異(4)新生活動參與、是否參加清華學院、新生與輔導學長姐互動情形變項在滿意度有顯著差異(5)輔導學長姐配置與系別、同住一棟寢室、性別,滿意度有重大關連(6)輔導學長姐應有評核機制,並加強其就學與生涯的知識(7)甄選輔導學長姐時除課業成績外,對其心態及動機、認知要做深入的考核篩選(8)輔導學長姐輔導參與方案的動機、認知、態度與滿意度有重大關連(9)輔導學長姐輔導參與方案的動機,經濟因素是重要考量(10)輔導服務的過程中學長姐在認知上會轉變(11)輔導學長姐分配上以輔導人數20人左右較適當(12)輔導與服務工作事項內容訂定愈明確,新生的滿意度愈高(13)新生報到時所舉辦的活動較受新生歡迎(14)輔導學長姐感覺能力有增強(15)對於沉迷網路遊戲及個性內向新生輔導困難。 根據以上發現,提出下列建議: 一、對學校承辦單位之建議:(1)強化學務及教務、諮商單位,實施資源的整合(2)甄選輔導者考量多元具熱忱人員,注意系所、性別與宿舍安排等合理的分配(3)修正同儕輔導者與新生的配比(4)詳定同儕輔導者服務與輔導工作內容、方法及目標(5)加強對非本國籍生的輔導與服務(6)強化同儕輔導者的訓練與資訊提供(7)增強新生活動參與動機與意願(8)重視同儕輔導者考核與反思(9)檢視新生需求,改善宿舍輔導與服務。 二、對對同儕輔導者的建議:(1)加強反思增進能力(2)學習時間規劃、運用團隊合作(3)學習尋求、整合資源(4)視新生如朋友,建立良好的互動關係 三、對住宿新生之建議:(1)培養主動學習發問、尋求學習資源(2)主動參予同儕輔導活動(3)借鑑同儕輔導者經驗、建立有效學習模式。This research aims to explore the peer counseling program for freshmen in the dormitory in some university. The research focuses on the feedbacks from the students after execution. The outcome of the research is based on the usage of questionnaires and personal interviews. The freshmen and counselors of the second semester in 2010 are taken as samples in the research. 1445 questionnaires were sent to all the freshmen, and the recovery rate is 83.25%. After eliminating invalid questionnaires, 1125 questionnaires are left and the effective rate is 77.85%. The title of the questionnaires is “Satisfaction about Peer Dormitory Counseling Project”. There are four subscales in the questionnaires: life and safety, learning and service, study and career, campus identification. The questionnaires have been pretested and adjusted by experts. The Cronbach parameter, α, is between 0.85 and 0.88. The results show that 1) the freshmen are most satisfied with campus identification, and study and career should be improved. 2) The satisfaction level is highest in the Department of Mathematics and lowest in the Department of Chemistry. 3) The satisfaction level slightly differs from different genders, nationalities, ways of being admitted to the school, and living experiences in dormitories. 4) Freshman participation, interaction with the seniors and whether freshmen join the Tsinghua College could make a significant effect on the level of satisfaction. 5) In the satisfaction level, the arrangement of the seniors is highly related to the departments the seniors are in, the dormitory they live, and their genders. 6) Some assessment mechanisms to the senior counselors should exist to improve their knowledge of study career. 7) Selecting the senior counselors is based on their grades, attitudes, motivations, and cognitions. 8) The satisfaction level is strongly relative to the senior counselors’ attitudes, motivations, and cognitions during counseling. 9) Economic factors are important considerations for the senior counselors to participate counseling cases. 10) In the processes of counseling services, the seniors will change their cognitions. 11) To allocate about 20 people to each senior counselor is more suitable. 12) The more clearly the detail of the counseling service is defined; the more highly satisfaction level is achieved. 13) The activities held during the new student registration are more popular to the freshmen. 14) The senior counselors thought they progressed more in abilities than before. 15) It is more difficult for peer counselors to have a deeper counsel with students who are addicted to online games or introverted students. According to the results above, here are some suggestions: (A) Suggestions to school and the sponsor of peer counseling project: 1) Strengthen the organizations of student affairs, academics and counseling and integrate all the resources for the project. 2) When interviewing peer counselors, passion of service, which departments they are in and genders should be carefully considered and arrange their dormitories properly. 3) Appropriately modify the ratio of peer counselors and students. 4) Elaborate the contents, methods and goals of the peer counseling services. 5) Put more focus on the counseling and service for international students. 6) Enhance the training of peer counselors and provide more information to them. 7) Motivate the freshmen and raise their willingness to join activities. 8) The reflection and introspection of counselors are important. 9) Continuously check the freshmen’s needs to improve the counseling and service quality. (B) Suggestions to the peer counselors: 1) Enhance the ability of introspection. 2) Learn time-scheduling and apply teamwork. 3) Learn how to find and integrate the sources. 4) See the freshmen as friends and build good interactive relationships with them. (C) Suggestions to the freshmen: 1. Spontaneously ask questions and seek for learning sources. 2. Be active in the events held by the counselors and support the project. 3. Learn from the peer counselors to build up an efficient learning method.同儕輔導新生定向宿舍同儕輔導方案滿意度Peer CounselingFreshmen Orientationpeer dormitory counseling projectSatisfaction Level大學宿舍同儕輔導方案研究--- 一所國立大學之新生及同儕輔導員的觀點