林麗雲Li-Yun Lin2014-10-272014-10-272014-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/2545本研究為在職教師以反思與進修學習為出發點,為了成為更好的教師,以良師典範為研究對象,採個案研究法,透過蒐集資料與分析,闡明良師的教師信念與職涯發展之間的關係,進一步提出本個案研究的成果。The beginning of the survey is for the reflexivity and learning to teachers in carrier. To become a better teacher, the researcher take a model as sample by case study method to collect data and to analyze to expound career developing, belief, and quality of educational enthusiasm. Then refer to the inspiration in the study.良師典範美術教育教師信念model teachersart educationteacher's belief良師典範—高中美術教師信念與職涯發展之個案研究Model Teachers-A Case Study of Teacher's Belief and Career Development of a Senior High School Art Teacher