邱皓政Chiou, Haw-Jeng呂秀婉Lu, Hsiu-Wan2019-09-032020-07-012019-09-032019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0106590183%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/950512015年聯合國會員通過17項全球永續發展目標(SDGs),而SDG第八項目標為發展經濟及促進就業,本研究目的即針對SDG8探討尊嚴勞動八項要素在職場對於勞工影響,整理有關尊嚴勞動相關資料,了解國際趨勢;蒐集實務界人士的看法,了解國內真實現況;探討華人企業有無特別因素影響尊嚴勞動的條件。 近十多年來台灣的經濟環境不如人民預期,M型化社會的形成,造成貧富不均。政府也無法有效的優化國內投資環境、促進產業升級,面對國際競爭的壓力許多企業亦是腹背受敵,低薪環境成為惡性循環。 本研究採取問卷調查及訪談二種方式蒐集資料。問卷調查對象為管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)成員,蒐集尊嚴勞動各項要素之意見及看法。進一步的為比較主管與一般員工對尊嚴勞動的觀感,所以立意取樣邀請某公司員工進行訪談。再者,以聊天式訪談與各行業勞工進行訪談,形成本研究之調查資料。 研究結果發現,公平的對待是勞工認為尊嚴勞動的首要因素,被合理的對待及尊重是勞工認為工作很重要的因素。其次是適切的薪酬及福利,訪談的主管認為是最重要的因素,但較年輕的員工則認為工作所追求仍有其他因素,所以薪酬福利反而不是第一要素。再者是合理的組織價值及經營理念,研究發現此項要素主管比基層員工感受更強烈。合理的工時也是重要的因素之一,但因人而異所以並非關鍵要素。同時發現幸福企業的關鍵在於使員工有幸福感,即建構在尊嚴勞動四個面向之上,企業應本著企業社會責任,以照顧員工為出發點,朝正向發展。另本研究針對目前所見的問題提出關於重視中高齡工作及改善教育環境的建議。2015 United Nations Members adopted 17 Global sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ). The purpose of this study is based on SDG8 to study of the content impact of decent work on labor in enterprise, Collate relevant data of decent work, understand international trends, Collect the opinions of the workers in the enterprises and understand the situation in Taiwan. Discussing if the conditions under Chinese enterprises have special factors affecting the decent work. In the past more than 10 years, the economy has not been as good as the people expected in Taiwan. The disparity is between the rich and the poor. Besides, the government can not optimize investment environment and promote industrial upgrading. The Labor Standard Laws of Taiwan is the major and base of decent work. The law has been existed for a longtime but still need to be improved and adjusted to be close to the labor and enterprises. There are two ways to collect data of this study, one is questionnaire survey and the other one is interview. The interview apply team and individual discussion in the content of decent work. Also, through phone interviews with labors to collect dada. If compare with other countries, the average annual working hour of workers in Taiwan is still too long. The labors and the enterprises connect function is too low and the government need to improve the profession to help workers in Taiwan. This study provide some suggestions based on study result, hope to improve labor environment of Taiwan.尊嚴勞動勞資關係幸福企業decent worklabour relationshappy enterprises尊嚴勞動之內涵與關鍵要素之探究:一項華人企業工作者探索性研究The Study of the Content and Critical Elements of Decent Work:An Exploratory Study of the Workers of Local Enterprises.