黃秋華林如萍Chiu-Hua Huang, Ju-Ping Lin2019-08-122019-08-122018-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80624本研究探討成年子女與其嬰兒潮世代父母的代間經濟支持,並分析生命事件的影響。運用華人家庭動態資料庫(Panel Study of Family Dynamics)2008年至2012年的五波追蹤調查資料,採用潛在類型成長分析(Latent Class Growth Analysis)策略,主要結果發現:超過半數的成年子女「持續提供」嬰兒潮世代父母經濟支持;再者,性別存在差異,成年兒子與其嬰兒潮父母的代間經濟支持為「持續提供型」、「持續無交換型」、「無交換變提供型」與「提供變無交換型」等變化類型,而成年女兒則是「持續提供型」「無交換變提供型」、「互惠變提供型」與「提供變無交換型」。整體來說,成年兒子的生命事件與代間經濟支持存在關聯,「就業」是影響提供父母經濟支持的關鍵事件。This research aimed to examine the intergenerational financial support exchange between adult children and their baby boomer parents. Taking the perspectives of life course, focus on the life events of the two generations, this research examined the effect on intergenerational financial support exchange pattern. Five waves of data (2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012) from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) were analyzed. Latent class growth analysis (LCGA) was used to develop changes types of intergenerational financial support exchange. The main findings are as follow: more than half of the adult children provide financial support to their baby boomer parents. Types of changes of intergenerational financial support exchange over time. Different types of changes of intergenerational financial support exist between adult sons and daughters. The four types of changes of exchange of intergenerational financial support between adult sons and their baby boomer parents are: “continuous provision,” “continuous low-exchange,” “from low-exchange to provision,” and “from provision to low-exchange.” As to adult daughters and their parents, there are also four types, “continuous provision,” “from low-exchange to provision,” “from reciprocity to provision,” and “from provision to low-exchange.” The employment status of adult sons affect changes of exchange of intergenerational financial support.代間經濟支持代間關係生命事件嬰兒潮世代華人家庭動態資料庫intergenerational financial supportintergenerational relationshipslife eventbaby boomerspanel study of family dynamics成年子女與嬰兒潮世代父母的代間經濟支持交換:生命事件的影響Adult Children and Their Boomer Parents: The Dynamics of Intergenerational Financial Support Exchange and Life Events