胡益進教授賴明嫈2019-08-282009-2-222019-08-282008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0593051008%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/87722摘要 本研究旨在探討桃園縣新明國中學生吸菸行為的相關因素探討,以桃園縣新明國中96學年度在校學生為母群體。本研究採問卷調查方式,以分層隨機抽樣,共獲得331份有效問卷,收集的資料經處理與統計分析後,得到以下重要發現: 一、 研究對象的菸害認知屬中上程度;反菸態度偏向正向;拒菸的把握程度表現有顯著差異,且男性低於女性。 二、 就研究對象吸菸學生的學業成績而言,學生的成績佔班上的中段三分之ㄧ為48.3%,父親、母親及自己對課業成績的滿意度,認為尚可的佔大多數。 三、 研究對象吸菸第一次吸菸的年齡,大多數發生在國小階段,比例高達51.4%,而年齡越大漸減的趨勢。而菸齡以未滿一年者居高。就喜好的菸種而言,吸菸者所選擇的菸為國產菸與進口菸約各佔一半。 四、 研究對象吸菸的行為顯現受到家中父親吸菸的影響最大,比例高達59.6%,亦及學生吸菸行為與家人吸菸之行為有顯著相關。 五、 母親的教育程度對研究對象的吸菸認知、吸菸態度及拒菸把握程度的影響,發現僅就在拒菸的把握程度上達顯著差異,顯示母親教育程度若僅為國小畢業者則研究對象的拒菸把握程度則低於母親為其他教育程度者。 六、 多元逐步迴歸係數β值愈大,表示該自變項在解釋依變項時,其相對重要性愈高。由研究結果中可見,各變項中以拒菸把握程度的β值最大,這表示拒菸把握程度是影響研究對象吸菸行為的最重要因素。 根據本研究發現提出數項結論及建議,以提供學校推行菸害防治教育之參考,並提供未來研究方向之建議。 關鍵字:國中學生、菸害認知、吸菸態度、拒菸把握度、吸菸行為Abstract This research is for the factors of discussing the smoking behavior to the students in Shin-Ming Junior High School in Tao-Yuan county. The sample is selected from all the students in the 96th study year. This research picks the questionnaire survey way to obtain 331 available samples by the random sampling method. From the complied data of those samples, five significant findings can be presented as follows: (1) Most samples have the correct cognition to the tobacco harms. Their anti-smoking manners are relatively positive. The grasp degree of anti-smoking performs obviously different and the male is lower than the female. (2) Speaking of the academic achievement of the samples, the proportion of the 1/3 center-section in the class occupies 48.3%. Most of the samples and their parents think the result is acceptable. (3) The research to the age of first-smoking is that almost students start from the elementary school and the proportion comes high up to 51.4%. The gradually olders reduce the tendency of smoking and it’s sure the tobacco age is less than one year. The tobacco of their favorites stands for half to half between the smoke domestically and the imported goods. (4) The people of the smoking behavior appears the maximum influence is from their fathers and the proportion comes up to 59.6%. We can also say the smoking behaviors between the students and their family are apparently relative. (5) As to the education levels of Moms’ among the cognition of smoking, the smoking manner and the grasp degree of anti-smoking, we only find out clearly the lower the education level and the lower the grasp degree of anti-smoking. (6) According to the Value β is greater by【 Pluralism returns to coefficient progressively】, it shows that the Dependent variable has relative importance with the Independent variable. So from the result to the study, we can say that the grasp degree of Anti-smoking is the most important factor to the samples’ smoking behavior. Based on the findings of the research, I can provide some conclusions and suggestions in order to offer references to carry out the prevention education of the tobacco harms for the schools, as well as some suggestions about the directions of future research. Based on the findings of the research, I can provide some conclusions and suggestions in order to offer references to carry out the prevention education of the tobacco harms for the schools, as well as some suggestions about the directions of future research. Keywords : Junior High School Students ; Cognition of the Tobacco Harms ; Smoking Manner;The Grasp Degree of Anti-Smoking;Smoking Behavior。國中生菸害認知吸菸態度拒菸把握度國中學生吸菸行為之相關因素探討 以桃園縣新明國中為例