孫愛光Aikuang Sun施琦萱Chi-Hsuan Shih2019-09-062014-7-162019-09-062014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698900185%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108761  西方宗教影響了整個西方社會;早期的教會在儀式進行之時,藉由人聲吟頌的方式來讚美上帝。「彌撒曲」是按著教會崇拜儀式的需要而存在,透過音樂的輔助與強化,使得在心靈有所需求的人類,透過崇拜禮儀及音樂的引導,得到安息與淨化並回歸到 神的面前。   本論文透過沃夫岡‧阿瑪迪斯‧莫札特(Wolfganf Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791)的介紹,瞭解影響其創作風格因素;並從莫札特的宗教信仰,瞭解他的宗教音樂作品。因著當時教會在崇拜禮儀的需求,以音樂創作作為儀式上的輔助,來作約略介紹;再藉由莫札特在1776-1777年創作的《C大調信經彌撒曲, KV257》(Missa in C“Credo-Messe”),德國“Barenreiter Urtext”出版之總譜作為實際的例子,從樂器編制、樂曲理論分析等等的前置作業,以及對其整體之理解與感受,投射於合唱指揮技巧;再藉由指揮技巧之專研、音樂會的製作與規劃等等,以音樂詮釋來展演音樂會的整個過程,作為學習與省思。  The religion affected the entire western society. When the rituals at the early churches were conducted, people used the human voice and the chant to praise God. The existence of “Missa” is based on the needs of the church worship services. With the auxiliary and the enhancement of music, and through the guidance of worship rituals, people pursuing spiritual needs could rest in peace and purification when returning to God.   The paper is about the introduction of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, 1756-1791, which makes us understand the factors affecting his creative style. Meanwhile form his religious belief, we get to know about his religious music. From my above brief introduction of the needs in the church, at that time the music was like an auxiliary during the worship liturgy. I took Mozart's piece “Missa in C Credo-Messe” created in 1776-1777 ( the score was published by the German “Barenreiter Urtext”) , as an example. I projected in choral conducting skills through the preparation of the orchestration and the music theory analysis, as well as my overall understanding and feelings toward his work. Moreover, by the research of directing skills, the production and the planning of the concert, and in the end by the performances of the musical interpretation, I took the whole process as learning and reflection.莫札特彌撒曲崇拜儀式合唱指揮教會音樂MozartMissachurch worshipchoral conductingchurch music莫札特《C大調信經彌撒曲, KV257》之指揮詮釋研究The conducting interpretation of Wolfang Amadeus Mozart’s Missa in C Major“Credo- Messe”, KV257