劉立行黃韋傑Huang, Wei-Jie2020-10-192024-12-312020-10-192019http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060672015H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/111074預告片做為電影的廣告宣傳片,承擔著能否將電影推廣出去的重要責任。而電影公司除了期望預告片盡到推銷責任外,能否獲得金預告片獎之最佳預告片也成了期望之一。文獻顯示,預告片構成要素能夠影響票房甚至能促使得獎。但如何運用則尚無定論。得獎與吸引受眾能否兼顧也無法確知。另一方面,預告片內容通常饒富巧思且蘊含精彩片段,可是受眾卻可能無法接收到預告片剪輯師隱藏在預告片中的巧思,甚至可能因為受眾不接受該預告片類型而使心血付之一炬。因此本研究旨在進行預告片的構成要素之相關研究。並探討預告片如何運用構成要素,達到吸引受眾並獲最佳預告片之雙贏局面。 本研究以歷年「金預告片獎」最佳預告片為研究對象。透過以影視美學與視覺心理學為基礎進行文本分析法,審視最佳預告片之構成要素有無共通處。並透過深度訪談法訪問當前業界之剪輯師,訪談有關構成要素之觀點。並進一步探討剪輯師對受眾之巧思程度的看法。最後綜合統整文本分析法與深度訪談法之結果,探討預告片如何運用構成要素將能達到雙贏局面。如何使受眾更明白預告片巧思。 研究結果發現:一、構成要素能影響預告片獲最佳預告片之機會,尤以劇情內容、字幕、音樂、剪輯影響最大;二、構成要素間的編排能夠加強受眾觀影動機,增加預告片之呈現效果;三、隨著資訊爆炸以及網路普及之影響,旁白要素已逐漸不被採用;四、預告片巧思之安排應聚焦於當前受眾的喜好,以避免受眾無法接收巧思之情況。As the advertisement of a movie, trailers have an important role in the effect of promotion. Film company would not only expect the fulfillment of the promotion but also looking forward to be one of the optimal trailers in the Gold Trailer Award. According to the existing literature, the components of trailers can affect the box office or even motivate the possibility of receiving awards. However, the realistic utilization ways has not been conclusive. The possibility to receive award also attract audiences at the same time is also an unsure issue. On the other hand, although trailers would usually contain the artful thoughts and highlights, it is possible to be in vain when audience couldn’t catch the point trailer editors set or the type is unable to attract audience’s interest. Therefore, the study provides a brief overview of the components of the trailer. It then goes on to the discussion of how could trailer uses the components to attract the audiences while winning the Best of Show. The study takes Best of Show in "Gold Trailer Award" over these years as research subjects. The textual analysis was based on film aesthetics and visual psychology, so as to examine the commonality of the components in the Best of Show trailers. Besides, in-depth interviews are conducted to explore the artful thoughts understanding level of the audiences from currently employed trailer editors. Finally, textual analysis and in-depth interviews are integrated to discuss the effective usage of the components while making audiences possible to be aware of the artful thoughts in trailers. The research showed: (a) the components of trailer can influence the possibility of receiving awards, and the content of the story, subtitles, music, and editing have the most important influence, and (b) the components of trailer arrangements can enhance the motivation of audiences in watching movies and increase the trailer’s effect of publicity. (c) with the impact of information explosion and the popularity of the Internet, the narration components have gradually not adopted. (d) the arrangement of artful thoughts in trailers should focus on the preferences of the current audience in order to avoid the situation of failing to receive.預告片預告片構成要素金預告片獎最佳預告片TrailerComponents of TrailerGold trailer awardBest of show預告片之構成要素研究-以「金預告片獎」最佳預告片為例A Study on the Components of Trailers: The Case Study of the Best of Show of the Golden Trailer Award