王國欽Wang, Kuo-Ching李欣憶Lee, Hsing-Yi2019-09-052018-08-172019-09-052018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060531031A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107356聯合國糧食及農業組織 (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) 統計全球每年丟棄高達 13 億公噸的食物,為食物總生產量的 1/3,可餵飽全球挨餓人口 2 年。而臺灣每年食物總損耗 373 萬噸,可堆成 60 座 101 大樓。另一方面在 2016 年行政院統計高風險及特殊境遇家庭兒童少年人數轉介課業輔導人數達 2,663 人次,而臺灣各縣市皆有不同的非營利組織所成立的課後照顧班,主要服務對象為高關懷及高風險家庭之學童,其內容為提供學習資源、促進兒童發展及家庭支持與補充功能,且在學期間與寒暑假為學童提供午餐或晚餐,然而所有開銷的經費來源皆為贊助,為有效運用資金,故在營運上艱辛。在耗損的食物當中格外蔬果 (Inglorious Fruits and Vegetables) 其營養價值不變,卻因為賣相不符合消費者的期望,而遭丟棄,本研究將探討格外蔬果導入社福機構的媒合方式建構,將廢棄但可食用的食材結合社福,欲解決臺灣食物浪費以及減少非營利機構於供餐經費上的支出。 本研究採行動研究法,參與者包括研究者本身、非營利課後照顧機構組織之工作人員5位、蔬果供應商。研究者以媒合溝通角色,與其他參與人員共同評估、執行並評值。本研究發現,臺灣偏鄉社福機構人力、資源缺乏,對於資源無法有效整合,單位補助款受限於核銷限制,財務拮据且經費無法流用,造成社福機構可支配經費有限。另一方面,臺灣果菜市場當日流標蔬果採銷毀及農民回收兩種方式,取得農民同意並供應後,格外蔬果導入社福機構兩個月內惜食總量高達1,300公斤,受惠學童數達100位,照顧近50個弱勢家庭。綜合上述,本研究歸納出目前非營利事課後照顧服務模式、加值模式、未來期望服務模式提供臺灣偏鄉社福機構連結非相關產業時參考,降低供餐負擔,也減少臺灣格外蔬果浪費,提高惜食概念推廣。The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (UN Food and Agricul-ture Organization of the United Nations) has discarded up to 1.3 billion metric tons of food each year, which is one-third of the total food production and can feed the world's hungry for two years. Taiwan’s annual total food consumption is 3.73 million tons, which can be stacked into 60 buildings. On the other hand, in 2016, the Executive Yuan's statistics on the number of high-risk and special-care family children and young people referring to school counseling reached 2,663, and all counties and cities in Taiwan have different after-school care classes established by non-profit organizations. Students in high-care and high-risk families are pro-vided with learning resources, children's development and family support and supplementary functions. They provide lunches or dinners for schoolchildren during school and winter vaca-tions. However, it is difficult to distribute those expenses effectively since it’s funded by sponsorship. While the nutritional value of inglorious fruits and vegetables in the depleted foods remains the same, it is discarded because the sales do not meet the expectations of con-sumers. This research will explore the construction of abandoned inglorious fruits and vege-tables .However, edible ingredients have been combined with social welfare to solve Tai-wan’s food waste and to reduce non-profit organization spending on food services. This research adopts the action research. Participants include the researchers themselves, five staff members of non-profit after-school care organizations, fruit and vegetable vendors. Researchers use the media communication role to evaluate, perform, and evaluate value with other participants. This study found that Taiwan’s rural social welfare agencies lacked man-power and resources to effectively integrate resources. Unit grants were limited to write-off re-strictions, financial constraints, and funds were not available, resulting in limited discretionary funding for social welfare agencies. On the other hand, the fruit and vegetable market in Taiwan was circulated on the same day in two ways: the destruction of fruits and vegetables, and the recovery of farmers. After importing inglorious fruits and vegetables into social welfare agen-cies, the total amount of food that was cherished in two months was as high as 1,300 kilograms, and the number of beneficiaries reached 100 vulnerable children and 50 families. Taken together, this research study summarizes the current non-profit after-school care service model, val-ue-added model, and future expectation service model to provide reference for Taiwan’s rural social welfare agencies to link non-related industries, as well as reduce the burden on meals, and also reduce Taiwan’s fruit and vegetable waste.食物耗損格外蔬果課後照顧機構高關懷家庭行動研究food consumptionInglorious Fruits and Vegetablesafter-school care institutionshigh care familyaction research格外蔬果導入社福機構之行動研究Action Research on the Introduction of Inglorious Food to Social Welfare Agencies