唐淑華Tang, Shu-Wua林芃薇Lin, Peng-Wei2019-08-292016-07-232019-08-292015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060103020E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92575本研究旨在探討以霸凌事件為主題的文本中,以不同人稱觀點敘寫文本時,何者最能讓學生對於故事中的受害者產生同理的感受。依據學童閱讀後的質性資料、人事智能量表(知人部分)以及校園霸凌事件感受的後測分數,比較三種人稱觀點的同理效果。藉由這份研究的結論找出對於學童最有效的人稱觀點,提升學童對於霸凌事件的感知能力。實驗方法採用準實驗法中的「不相等控制組前後測設計」,將115位五年級的學生隨機分派至三個組別。本研究在實驗活動前改編三個校園霸凌事件為故事文本,每個事件分別寫成三種不同人稱的版本。第一人觀點組所閱讀的三篇文本,都會是三個事件的第一人稱觀點;第二與第三組學童則分別閱讀第二與第三人稱的版本。學童閱讀完三篇以同一人稱觀點寫成的事件後,研究者予以閱讀測驗的題目確認學童能理解事件內容,再請他們閱讀對應於霸凌事件的安慰信提出具體建議。三組學生在人事智能量表與校園事件感受問卷的後測分析,發現三個人稱觀點具有不同的同理效果,其中第二人稱觀點的效果顯著大於第一人稱。根據上述的研究結果,本研究建議教育工作者可以採用第二人稱觀點的敘事文本,引導學生產生最佳的同理效果與霸凌事件的關注,並搭配不同因應焦點的安慰信內容,引導學生思考面對霸凌事件的正確態度。最後,建議未來可以進一步研究如何書寫最有效的安慰信,並以曾經遭受霸凌事件的受害者為研究對象,進行安慰信效果的驗證。The purpose of this research is to examine empathetic effect of narrative perspectives on elementary school students. We aim to figure out the most effective point of view to spark students’ empathic response towards bullying, mainly based on students’ reflection after comprehensively reading given bullying scenarios and comparing their scales of empathy. We adopted the pre and post-test nonequivalent - control group design as research method. Total 115 fifth-grade subjects were divided into three equal groups. The researcher would prepare materials including three bullying scenarios. Each of which was again written in three different narrative perspectives. Group one would be asked to read first person perspective of each scenario, group two and three likewise. The researcher would check if the subjects fully understand the scenario before proceeding to the next phase of the experiment by simple comprehension questions. Next, we would make students read a paragraph, in purpose of comforting the bullied character in the scenario, after each text and asked them to give suggestions. The key result of the study shows that the second-person perspective could better provoke empathy towards bullying than first-person perspective. In addition, we found that the students are under great influence of whether it’s problem-focused or emotion-focused in the comforting letters. According to our research, we strongly suggest educators who are promoting the students’ awareness to bullying to use materials written in second-person perspective. And hopefully we will get students pay more attention to bullying and do the right thing out of stronger empathetic abilities. Last but not least, we also suggest that the study should be extended to deeper and wider issues, such as how to structure out a workable and effective comforting letter by getting victims involved.觀點取替策略同理心霸凌感受perspective-taking strategyempathysusceptible to bullying閱讀不同觀點文本對國小學生同理心與霸凌感受影響之實驗研究An Experimental Study to Promote Elementary Student's Empathy and Susceptible to Bullying Through a Perspective-Taking Strategy