蕭顯勝Hsiao Hsien-Sheng吳明城Wu Ming-Chen2019-09-032019-8-252019-09-032014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060171065H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96679本研究探討智慧教室環境實施協同式數位說故事教學於自然與生活科技學科,發展出一套應用於智慧教室環境之協同式數位說故事教學模式。本研究共分為智慧教室環境實施協同式數位說故事教學,以及電腦教室環境實施協同式數位說故事教學兩種教學方式。在此教學活動中學生可以自行創造屬於自己的故事,藉由數位媒體呈現多樣化的故事成果,提升學童的學習成效、資訊素養與人際溝通能力,並探討數位說故事能使學童的學習效果保留量有所正向影響。 本研究以台北某國民小學五年級4個班級77名學生為研究對象,採準實驗研究設計,將研究對象分為兩組,實驗組為智慧教室環境進行協同式數位說故事教學,對照組則在電腦教室環境進行協同式數位說故事教學。研究結果發現在智慧教室環境進行協同式數位說故事教學,使幫助個人建立知識建構,並透過與同儕的討論及分享,其學習成效、學習保留、資訊素養能力與人際溝通能力皆顯著優於電腦教室環境進行協同式數位說故事教學。This research develops a model that can implement collaboration-based digital storytelling on Science and Technology in a smart class- room. This research focuses on two situations: the teaching with the collaboration-based digital storytelling in a smart classroom and in a computer classroom. In this case, students can create and present their own stories through digital multimedia, that can enhance the learning efficiency, information literacy and interpersonal communication competence of students. In addition, the result of the experiment has the positive effects with collaboration-based digital storytelling to help students have learning retention. This study has 77 participants, who are fifth-grade students from 4 classes in one elementary school in Taipei. Based on the quasi- experimental design, the experiment progresses with the collaboration- based digital storytelling for two groups: the treatment group is held in a smart classroom, and the control group is held in a computer classroom. Finally the result shows: under the circumstances of the collaboration- based digital storytelling, students have better learning effects, infor- mation literacy and interpersonal communication competence in a smart classroom than in a computer classroom.數位說故事協同學習資訊素養人際溝通學習保留Digital StorytellingCollaborative LearningInformation LiteracyInterpersonal CommunicationLearning Retention智慧教室環境中實施協同式數位說故事以提升學習成效、資訊素養與人際溝通能力之研究A Study for Enhancing Learning Effects, Information Literacy and Interpersonal Communication by Using Collaboration-based Digital Storytelling