康台生Tai-Sheng Kang林綵玲Tsai-ling Lin2019-09-05不公開2019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096632114%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103213超現實主義強調潛意識的釋放作用而將受壓抑的真實情感顯現出來,尤其在夢境中觸及深層心理的真實,這種非理性的原始內部得到了最自由的解放,而以新的代替物來處理人生的主要問題。本研究的創作主題從一位國中生所面臨的成長衝突及課業壓力,而常感到焦慮不安、害怕與悲傷,卻以壓抑隱藏的方式累積下來,這些情緒在睡夢中幻化成龐然巨怪在後面追趕她,還有一雙雙不知名的眼睛在暗處窺視,當他面臨怪物的進逼威脅時,他用什麼方式來化解夢中的危機?並在回到現實世界時也解除了內心的負向情緒,迎向希望與光明的未來。 本研究的第一章陳述了創作的動機、目的等,第二章以文獻分析法探討了圖畫書、青少年情緒以及超現實主義理論、表現手法之相關文獻,在接下來的第三章裡,分析國內外著名的超現實表現插畫家及其圖畫書作品,進而延伸個人的藝術創作的意念、內在思考的因素。第四章則為創作歷程的介紹及作品解說,並以作品內容、構圖與造形表現的手法等做個別的描述和作品的涵意分析。在最後一章裡,總結整篇論述,並展望未來的創作思維與走向。 本圖畫書創作的主要對象是青少年,因此需要多研究及瞭解青少年常會遇到的情緒困擾問題,才能創作出觸動讀者感受的圖畫書。而運用超現實表現手法創作情緒圖畫書,藉由超現實風格其蘊含深刻的視覺表現、具有隱含延伸的效果以及豐富創造想像能力,來提昇圖書書的藝術性及揣摩無法言傳的情緒心理感受。Surrealism accentuates in the release effect of subconsciousness and reveals the suppressed real emotions, especially in the contact of dreamland and the reality of depth psychology. This kind of irrational primitive inner will get the most freedom of liberation, and treat the important problem of human life with new replacement. The subject of this study is junior high school students, who face growth conflict and schoolwork pressure, often feel anxious and disturbed, afraid and grief, but suppress and hide them inside. These emotions will transform into monstrous creatures, chasing them in their dreams, and there are still pairs of unknown eyes watching in the dark. Here, we study how they pass the crisis in their dream during facing the monster’s threats and presses, and also relieve their negative mood by the time they return to the real world, greeting hopes and bright future. The first chapter of this study states about the production motive, purpose and etc. The second chapter uses the analysis method of scientific literature to discuss the related scientific literatures of picture books, juvenile moods and surrealism theory, technique of expressions. In the following chapter three, the study analyzes the well-noted domestic and overseas surrealism expressions illustrators and their picture book works, further stretching to individual idea of art production, the factor of internal thought. The chapter four introduces production progress and explains the production, and executes individual description of work content, composition and representation technique, and the analysis of works idea. In the last chapter, it summarizes the discussion, and envisages the future productions thought and trend. The main object of this picture book production is juveniles; therefore, we need many more studies to understand the emotion obsession problems that are often faced by juveniles, before we can produce the picture books that can stir the readers’ feeling. And we apply surrealism expression technique to produce mood picture books, and improve the artistic quality of picture books and fathom the unexplainable psychological reception of mood through the implied visual expression, the implied extended effects and rich creation imagination of surrealistic style.超現實主義圖畫書負面情緒國中生SurrealismPicture BookNegative MoodJunior High School Student超現實主義應用於圖畫書創作研究-以國中生負面情緒的抒發為例Surrealism Application to Picture Books Production Study -