葉耀明Yao-Ming Yeh董才業Tsai-Ye Tung2019-08-292005-7-52019-08-292005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069208003%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92681 近年來,數位學習產業迅速地發展,為了讓數位教材在不同教學網站的學習管理系統間重複使用,製作符合數位學習SCORM標準的數位教材是未來的趨勢。在此趨勢下,各教學網站會產生可進一步整合的數位教材,因此數位教材之儲存庫需求因應而生。在此環境下,數位教材儲存庫必須具備符合國際標準、開放式整合其他儲存庫的特性,才能滿足符合SCORM標準之數位教材的需求。 本研究參考美國卡內基‧梅隆大學,學習系統架構實驗室提出的學習服務三層式架構,並導入ebXML註冊與儲存庫標準。將之應用在數位學習SCORM 2004教材內容包裝標準上,採用IEEE學習科技標準委員會發展的學習物件詮釋資料標準的描述能力,建立了Asset-based素材儲存庫、SCO-based學習物件儲存庫、Content Aggregation-based教材儲存庫等三種不同顆粒度之教材儲存庫模式,並實作出使用SCORM 2004標準之教材儲存庫系統。本系統除了具備ebXML註冊與儲存庫特有的(1)開放標準、(2)聯合互作、(3)物件導向資料庫架構等特色之外,並發展出物件類型查詢、分類系統查詢,以及註冊物件詮釋資料進階查詢等功能。整體研究成果將有助於架構出一有效的數位學習SCORM教材之內容管理機制。 The industry of e-Learning is developing rapidly in recent year. In order to reuse digital courseware in Learning Management Systems in different learning websites, it is trend to create SCORM-Compliant courseware. Under this trend, digital courseware that can further be integrated among different websites will be produced by the learning web sites. Therefore the demand of digital courseware repository presents. In order to meet the demand of the SCORM-Compliant courseware, the repository of digital courseware must conform to international standards and integrate with other repositories in open style. Our researches focus on the Content Management of the three-layer Learning Services Architecture in Learning Systems Architecture Lab in Carnegie Mellon University, USA. We also use the standard of ebXML Registry& Repository to apply on SCORM 2004 Content Aggregation Model. Besides, we develop courseware Registry Object content model based on Learning Object Metadata (LOM), which is developed by Learning Technology Standard Committee, IEEE. In this courseware Registry Object content model, three different granular models of courseware repositories: Asset-based Repository, SCO-based Repository, and Content Aggregation-based Repository are included. Moreover, we implement a courseware repository system that is conformed to SCORM 2004 standard. In addition to the merits of Open Standard, Federation, and Object-Oriented Database Architecture in ebXML Registry& Repository, our system provides rich searching abilities including the object type search, the classification search, and the metadata search. The results in this study will be helpful to construct an efficient content management mechanism in SCORM-Compliant courseware.數位學習共享教材元件參考模式學習物件詮釋資料ebXML註冊/儲存庫e-LearningSCORMLOMebXML Registry & Repository數位學習SCORM教材註冊及儲存庫管理之研究Research on SCORM-Compliant Courseware Registry and Repository Management