方偉達Fang, Wei-Ta陳郁方Chen, Yu-Fang2022-06-082022-01-032022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/76403f2155cef0b39e439f6f4ee61345/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118104人類科技發展日新月異,與此同時卻常常破壞我們賴以維生的環境。國內外許多環境公害事件的發生讓人們開始重視環境教育,期許能藉此改善現況。近年來,環境教育發展迅速,除了傳統親身進入環境的解說導覽之外,多媒體教學也是常態之一。2019年底出現的COVID-19影響了人們的社交生活,對於教育方面亦是造成不小的衝擊,許多地區必須採取遠距教學,數位化的學習模式成為教學的必須替代方案。在此情況下,多媒體教學的學習成效值得更深入探討。 本研究目的為了解學習者在觀賞海洋環境保育影片後,其環境態度各構面的提升狀況,希望能分析影片教學應用在環境教育時,對於環境態度的建立有何種幫助。透過敘述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、相關分析與成對樣本t檢定分析後得到之研究結果顯示:受試者對於「使用影片接收環境議題相關資訊」所抱持的態度正向,且影片對於受試者的環境態度建構確實有幫助,各構面均達顯著差異,但效果量普遍偏低(僅「行為意向(d=0.434)」達中效果變化)。不同背景因素方面,性別與居住地對於觀影前後環境態度建構影響都不顯著,工作性質是否與海洋相關對於觀影前後環境態度建構的影響顯著,且工作性質於海洋不相關者表現較好。另外,影片內容與呈現方式對於受訪者學習有影響。而在分析八項環境態度構面之間的關係後,發現八項構面均存在正相關關係。 本研究認為工作差異對於觀看影片後的環境態度建構有影響,且建議如要使用影片作為環境教育教學媒介,應多加注意影片內容與呈現方式是否恰當,才能避免降低教學成效。With the rapid development of science and technology, it often destroys the environment where we live. Many environmental hazards at home and abroad have caused people to pay attention to environmental education, hoped to improve the situation. In recent years, environmental education developed rapidly. Multimedia learning is one of the common environmental interpretation methods. The emergence of COVID-19 at the end of 2019 had affected our life, it had also caused a considerable impact on education. Many areas must adopt distance learning, and e-learning have become a necessary alternative to teaching. Under this circumstance, the effectiveness of multimedia learning is worthy of further discussion.The purpose of this research is to understand the improvement of learners' environmental attitudes in various aspects after watching marine environmental conservation films, hope to analyze how the application of learning from films in environmental education can help establish environmental attitudes. This study uses descriptive statistics, independent sample t test, Pearson correlation and paired sample t test. The results obtained show that the subjects have a positive attitude towards "using videos to receive information on environmental issues", and the film ishelpful for the construction of environmental attitudes. There are significant differences in each dimension, but the effect size is low (only"behavior intention (d=0.434)" achieves a medium effect size). In terms of background factors, gender and place of residence have no significant impact on the construction of environmental attitudes before and after this film. Their jobs are related to the ocean or not has a significant impact on the construction of environmental attitudes before and after this film, and those whose job is not related to the ocean performs better. In addition, the content and presentation of the film have an impact on the study of the interviewees. After analyzing the relationship between the eight environmental attitude dimensions, it is found that there is a positive correlation between the eight dimensions.This research believes that different jobs have an impact on the construction of environmental attitudes after watching the film, and it is recommended that if who wants to use films for environmental education, he should pay more attention to whether the content and presentation of the video are appropriate to avoid reducing the effectiveness of teaching.環境教育環境態度影片學習多媒體教學environmental educationenvironmental attitudeslearning from filmsmultimedia learning觀賞者之環境態度建構初探——以海洋環境保護影片為例The construction of environmental attitudes of viewers–a case study of marine environmental movie clip學術論文