馬里奧Mario Santander Oliván黃曉青Huang, Hsiao-Ching2022-06-082021-07-192022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ea61cf26429c0834f1357985064c220a/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118451西班牙小說—《風之影》(La Sombra del Viento)中文版於西元2006年轟動上市,在臺灣颳起了一陣西班牙文壇吹來的颶風,讓許多讀者紛紛為此書廢寢忘食,讀到欲罷不能只為盡快一覽全書精彩的結局。作者—卡洛斯.魯依斯.薩豐(Carlos Ruiz Zafón)以19世紀末到20世紀初的巴塞隆納為背景,讓故事情節伴隨神秘的氣息反映出社會的現實。對於神祕氣息的營造,有學者認為《風之影》是哥德式小說(Gothic),也有學者認為其屬於魔幻現實主義小說(Magical Realism)的範疇。除此之外,書中最大的特色是薩豐提及許多巴塞隆納真實的地景,來作為故事場景的發生地,讓全書並非都是天馬行空的想像,而是以現實為基礎再透過文學手法的渲染,去體現隱藏在現實背後的神秘。因此本論文以《風之影》為研究對象,先歸納出薩豐使用到的文學技巧,去釐清其屬於哥德式小說還是魔幻現實主義小說。再根據書中隱藏於人物、背景和事件後的社會現實,利用再現理論(Representation)作為輔助,探討在小說的虛與實之間,讀者會於心中形塑出什麼樣的巴塞隆納意象。最後針對書中真實的地景,探究其以巴塞隆納為故事的發生地,如何將真實存在的地景經過文學手段的變形,建構出讀者對巴塞隆納的想像。The Chinese version of the Spanish novel The Shadow of the Wind (La Sombra del Viento) hit the market in 2006. It became an overnight sensation after its release, receiving critical acclaim worldwide, and made many readers indulge themselves into the novel just to see the wonderful ending as soon as possible. The author, Carlos Ruiz Zafón, took Barcelona from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century as a background, allowing the storyline to reflect the reality of society with a mysterious atmosphere.Regarding the creation of the mysterious atmosphere, some scholars believe that The Shadow of the Wind is a Gothic novel, and some scholars believe that it belongs to the category of magical realism. In addition, the biggest feature of the book is that Zafón mentioned many real spots of Barcelona as the story scenes. In consequence, the whole story is not a fanciful imagination, but a transformation based on the reality with artistic techniques to express the mystery hidden behind it.Therefore, this master's thesis takes The Shadow of the Wind as the research object. To begin with the literary techniques used by Zafón and clarify whether it belongs to Gothic novels or magical realism novels. Then identify the social reality hidden behind the characters, background, and events through representation, so as to explore what kind of imagery of Barcelona the readers will shape in their hearts. Finally, aiming at the real landscapes in the book to analyze how the real landscapes being transformed by literary skills construct the reader's imagination of Barcelona.《風之影》巴塞隆納文學手法再現意象The Shadow of the WindBarcelonaLiterary TechniquesRepresentationImages《風之影》的文學手法及巴塞隆納城市意象之探討A Study on the Literary Techniques and the Images of Barcelona in The Shadow of the Wind學術論文