李景峰Li, Jeen-Fong胡昌平Hu, Chang-Ping2019-09-042020-08-292019-09-042018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060370042H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98625本研究緣起退役軍人轉業需求,學習軍事專長以外之第二專長時,一般會參與退除役官兵輔導委員會職業訓練中心之職業訓練。職業訓練中心宗旨乃是輔導退役軍人取得一技之長與符合就業期望。本研究採用調查法以車輛修護學員為對象,藉由問卷為工具蒐集資料將以量化。以理論文獻為基礎,調查參與職業訓練車輛修護學員學習滿意度程度、生涯自我效能程度,比較不同背景變項在學習滿意度差異性、生涯自我效能差異性,瞭解學習滿意度對生涯自我效能之影響為目的。使用描述統計、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、線性迴歸等統計分析法,歸納出以下研究結果。 一、車輛修護學員具有高程度的學習滿意度,即訓練成效良好。在學習滿意度之課程與教具的認同程度最高。在學習滿意度之教師教學上認同度偏低。 二、車輛修護學員具有中上程度的生涯自我效能,即有信心完成修護訓練勇於面對職場追求較感自信的職業。在生涯自我效能之信心強度的認同程度最高。在生涯自我效能之難度知覺為普通。 三、不同的階級、年資的車輛修護學員,在學習滿意度、教師教學、學習成效、生涯自我效能、信心強度、推論性之構面上具有顯著差異。軍官、士官高於士兵,資深的高於資淺的。 四、學習滿意度對生涯自我效能具有影響力,學習成效對信心強度及推論性具有影響力。故經過訓練達到期望使其滿意獲得一技之長,再配合過往成功經驗提升自信,進而影響生涯自我效能。 研究發現車輛修護學員學習滿意度極高深受袍澤的認同,建議增加車輛修護班次或增加其它修護科目,以增強就業強度。不論各層次的退役軍人,普遍認為起步較晚就業不順或無法持續目標。現在的現役軍人就是以後的退役軍人,建議國防部聘請專家學者輔導現役官兵,進行性向測驗與第二專長之職業試探,使其發覺興趣與專長,俾利退役後職業之定向。國防部與輔導會應相互銜接以消弭起步較晚就業不順,以達順利就業之目標。以上建議讓業管現役軍人、輔導退役軍人之單位及參加職業訓練學員參考。After retirement from the Armed Forces of Taiwan, veterans are required to have different specialties which better suit the needs of civilian world. The Vocational Training Center provided such a need by offering training courses. This study based on the theoretical literature, and survey of the members learning-satisfaction and career self-efficacy in Vocational Training Center. The data was collected from questionnaires, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and canonical correlation analysis. The main conclusions and suggestions were indicated as following: 1. Students are satisfied with their courses and materials. However, they seemed to dissatisfy with the instructors. 2. Career satisfaction is good; the students are confident with their skills and are willing to face the future employers. 3. Veterans with different ranks seemed also with different reaction due to the course of learning satisfaction, teacher instruction, the results of learning, and career self-efficacy. Mainly, officer retirees are with higher confidence than their lower rank counterparts. 4. With higher satisfaction level on career self-efficiency and the results of learning, veterans after training are able to return civilian life with much higher confidence. The result from questionnaires appeared to be highly satisfying. Thus, an increase of more classes about motor maintenance is necessary. The conclusion also suggests that veterans are regretted that they develop their skills too late now. They need to be close to their desire career much earlier. With focus on the veterans’ job training and career replacement, a much cohesive work between MND and VAC need to be done.職業訓練中心車輛修護學習滿意度生涯自我效能vocational training centervehicle maintenancesatisfactioncareer self-efficacy國軍退除役官兵輔導委員會車輛修護學員學習滿意度對生涯自我效能影響之研究A Research of Influences of Vehicle Maintenance Student's Learning Satisfaction and Career Self-Efficacy:The Case Study of Veterans Affairs Council,R.O.C.