陳美芳Chen, Mei-Fang施婉婷Shih, Wan-Ting2019-08-282018-07-062019-08-282018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060309014E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91494每年研究者進行資優轉學生新生入班說明會時,可以感受到家長和學生對於鑑定通過後需要轉學就讀這件事,感到不知如何抉擇、擔憂以及焦慮。本研究旨在描繪資優轉學生對轉學的決定及適應歷程,提供資優轉學生及其家長、老師相關案例的經驗以及建議。 研究過程採用質性研究法,依據校型、性別,選擇於新學校就讀一年以上的轉學生,深入訪談學生本人、主要照顧者以及教師,將訪談結果加以整理,描繪六位資優轉學生的決定歷程,以及轉學後在普通班及資優班的適應歷程。 研究結果可以分為三部份,首先資優轉學生通常在原學校人緣及成績表現均優,面臨轉學會擔心的因素包含難以割捨的情誼、交通變動、對新環境的擔憂,同時正向的吸引力則包含對資優課程的期待、重要他人的建議以及新老師的吸引力。在普通班人際互動的緊張會因為時間逐漸降低,學業可透過自我調適取得平衡,另外可以透過協調及安排來確立學生的作息時間。資優班需針對學生提供能發揮其優勢的個別化課程,並與家長保持溝通管道的暢通。The purpose of this study is to describe the decision making and adaptation process of gifted transfer students, providing experiences and suggestions for gifted transfer students ,their parents and teachers. The researcher chose research obejets based on the school type and gender.To describe the process of the decision making and adaption of gifted transfer students, the researcher conducted a deep interview with the gifted transfer studernts, the main carers and their teachers. The research results can be divided into three parts. First, the gifted transfer students usually have good friendship and great academic performance in their original schools. The factors the gifted transfer students fear to transfer include losing deep friendship with their friends, traffic changes, and concerns about a new environment. The factors the gifted transfer students willing to transfer include expectations of gifted programs, advice from important people, and the attractiveness of new teachers. Second, the tension of interpersonal interactions the gifted students encounter in ordinary classes can gradually decrease because of time; the balance of learning can be achieved through self-adjustment. In addition, the gifted transfer students’ schedule can be established through coordination and rearrangements. Third, the gifted classes need to provide gifted transfer students with individualized courses based upon their advantages and to maintain a smooth communication channel with parents.資優轉學生決定調適giftedtransfer studentsdecision makingadaptation國小資優學生轉學決定及轉學後之調適歷程The decision makimg and adaptation of gifted transfer students.