張高賓Kao-Pin Chang2014-10-272014-10-272012-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11416本研究乃以單一受試質驗設計,藉由修正式Landreth'親子遊戲治療方案之介入﹒視寄養父母為治療代理人,透過方案進行以修復寄養兒童的依附關係,改善親子互動,並減輕其親即在壓力,此外也了解療效因子為何。本研究共有寄養家庭四戶參與﹒寄養父母為三女一男,平均年齡45歲﹒寄養兒童則為二男三女,平均年齡5 歲﹒研究工具包括Landreth'親子遊戲治療方案、親子遊戲治療技巧檢核表、親子互動闕係量表及親職壓力益表。並透過視覺分析與統計分析獲得研究結果﹒研究發現親子遊戲治療對於增進寄養父母的親職功能、促進親予互動以改善依附關係及減輕親戰壓力有顯著的立即與維持效果。此外增進依附關係的療效因子包括完全的注意/感興趣、隨著直覺行動﹒避免給建議、避免問問題﹒將責任回歸給孩子、話﹒孩子投入遊戲時第近一些、當孩子邀請時能加入遊戲、反應孩子的語言(內容) .反應孩子的感覺/想法/希望,聲調符合孩子的強度/情感、簡短旦互動式的回膠、表情符合孩子的情感、使用鼓勵/建立自尊的回應﹒The study was investigated the effects of the modified filial therapy treatment program on parental function , attachment of the adopted children, parent-child relationship, and parent stress of for the adopted children. and foster family, and their withinteraction relationship and to test whether the filial therapy treatment program can improve the parental function , attachment of the adopted children,parent-child relationshship, and decrease parent stress. The single-subject research design was used in this study. There were The single-subject study was conducted with four foster families involved in this sttldy with three female and one male parents at the average age of was 45 and four the adopted children at the average age was 5. Each family took the Filial therapy program was implemented in each family for ten weeks, and their interaction would be mobserved and recorded for twenty weeks. The data were as analyzed with the method of visual analysis and statistical analysis. As the result of The study revealed thai the data of filial therapy show from three subjects had significant intervening and maintaining efficacy on the parental function. parent-child relationship,and parent stress on three of four participants. In addition The study identified effective the therapeutic factors of the filial therapy,including conveying "be with" attitudes、allowing child to lead, following child's lead, reflecting child's nonverbal play behavior. reflecting child's verbalizations, reflecting child's feeling s/wants/wishcs, voicing tones matched child's intensity/affect, responding were briefly and interactive, facial expressions matched child's affect, used encouragementlself-esteem-building responses依附關係家外安置親子遊戲治療親職壓力親職功能attachment relationshipfilial therapyout-of-home placementparent stressparental function親子遊戲治療於家外安置兒童與寄養家庭之依附關係成效與療效因子之分析Intervention Effect and Therapeutic Factors with Filial Therapy in Out-of-Home Placement Treatment