國立臺灣師範大學教育學系唐淑華2014-12-022014-12-022011-12-011999-8856http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/38789本文嘗試梳理出「教學轉化」一詞的意涵,首先從「轉化」一詞 的字源學下手,再談其在各學門領域內的使用情形,最後則回到教育 領域文獻,以探討其在教學上的意涵。本文企圖透過跨界思維,歸納 整理出兩層面的「教學轉化」原則,第一層面轉化工作主要是老師針 對教材內容進行個人層面的轉化,以使自己的視域與作者的視域交 融;第二層面轉化工作則在協助學生克服時空的限制,尤其應善用教 材與教法層面的輔助,以幫助學生達到經驗上的轉化。本文並提出個 人曾在中小學研究之發現,供文史科目老師教學參考之用。This paper attempts to tease out the many meanings of the term “transformation in teaching.” First, the author studied dictionary usages, then reviewed literature in various disciplines, and finally examined what the term means in the field of education. Cross disciplinary thinking suggests that the broad meaning of this term is a principle that consists of two basic levels. The first is a personal level in which the perspectives of instructor and textbook editor are brought together. The second is a pedagogical level in which effective teaching methods are developed to transform students’ experiences. The author applies these principles to the teaching of language arts and history as reference material for teachers.教學轉化跨界思維文史科目教學轉化transformation in teachingcross disciplinary thinkinglanguage arts and history teachingtransformation in education眾聲喧嘩?跨界思維?Cross Disciplinary Thinking or Noisy Distraction?論「教學轉化」的意涵及其在文史科目教學上的應用The Significance of Transformative Teaching and Its Application in Language Arts and History�.