鄭章華林成財蔡曉楓Chang-Hua ChenCheng-Tsai LinHsiao-Feng Tsai2019-08-122019-08-122016-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81435近年來國際數學成就評量的結果顯示,我國中學生的數學成就有顯著的雙峰現象。教育部也發現中學生的數學學習存在嚴重的落差,近幾年將差異化教學列為重點項目。然而國內差異化教學的相關研究才剛起步,且多聚焦在語文與特教領域。為了讓更多數學教育工作者瞭解差異化教學實務,促進學術社群對此議題的討論。研究者邀請四位中學數學教師成立教師專業學習社群,運用課堂教學研究模式(lesson study)研修數學差異化教材,並提出其設計原則;以訪談方式瞭解教師實施差異化教學所遭遇的困難並以問卷探查學生接受差異化教學的經驗。本研究提出差異化教材設計的四項原則,其關鍵理念在於提供所有學生學好數學的機會,其核心在於運用形成性評量探查學習差異,並以知後行動(informed action)來處理學習差異。研究發現接受差異化教學的學生有著正向的數學學習經驗。The results released from the international learning achievement comparisons in mathematics showed that the learning achievement gap has been substantial in Taiwan. Thus the Ministry of Education has recommended differentiated instruction (DI) to address the issue. However, the empirical study of DI in mathematics is nascent in this nation. This study invited four mathematics teachers serving in secondary schools participating in a teacher professional learning community to compile teaching materials for DI and implement them in the classrooms. Researchers and the teachers conducted lesson study in the professional learning community. The researchers analyzed the teaching materials to identify the principles for designing DI, interviewed the teachers to learning their professional development in the community, and disseminated a questionnaire to investigate students' learning experience in the DI classrooms. Research results suggest four principles for constructing the teaching materials of DI. The key ideal of DI is to grant all students learning opportunities. Formative assessment serves as the core to probe students' individual differences and to apply informed action to address the differences accordingly. The students responded with positive experience in the DI classroom revealed in the quantitative data analysis.差異化教學課堂教學研究教材教法數學教育differentiated instructionlesson studymathematics educationmathematics teaching國中數學差異化教材設計與實施初探Exploring the Design of Differentiated Instruction in Mathematics in Secondary Schools