金樹人Shuh-Ren Jin巫文亭Wen-Ting Wu2019-08-282011-02-012019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695010367%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90959本研究旨在探討「意識—潛意識—折中」(C-U-C; Consciousness-Unconsciousness-Compromise)模式應用於生涯諮商之當事人變化歷程。研究歷程以一位女性進行生涯諮商,研究方式以諮商的逐字稿為文本,運用敘說研究之「整體—內容」模式進行分析,並探討實踐之反思。 研究結果顯示: 一、當事人之變化歷程:(一)諮商初期,當事人生命中驟然的失落使生涯腳步停滯;經歷失落的復原,讓當事人開始關注個人的生涯,但缺乏自我認同作為生涯運行的樞紐。(二)理性意識探索(Consciousness)階段,客體我Me現身,對自我也產生深一層次的疑惑。(三)潛意識直覺探索(Unconsciousness)階段,正向經驗的回想讓主體我(I)「是(being)」之狀態浮現,當事人有勇氣求職,但也尋求不變的安全感。(四)折中(Compromise)階段,透過生命故事書寫,在「過去—現在」間位移,整合「內在真實—外在現實」的自我。後來,重新歷經生涯決定的過程中,其生涯行動來回於「自我實現」與「安全感」的需求間。(五)結束階段,接納未知的態度與巧合的力量讓當事人的生涯定向。 二、研究者的實踐反思:研究者整合了諮商與研究歷程進行反思,闡述C-U-C模式運用上需注意的重要面向、C-U-C精神對研究者生涯歷程的影響,以及互為主體的敘說研究如何讓諮商研究具有意義性。 最後,提出本研究的限制與建議,以作為未來研究的參考。The purpose of this study aims at understanding the client's transforming process with applying Consciousness-Unconsciousness-Compromise (C-U-C) model in career counseling. One female client receives career counseling in the process of this study. The study adopts the holistic-content method of narrative research to analyze the transcriptions that derived from the counseling, and to get reflection on practice. The results of the study include two parts. The first, the client’s transforming process are as follows: 1. In the initial counseling stage, the sudden loss in client’s life made her career standstill. Recovering from loss made client start to concern her own career; however, the self-identity to catalyze the career development is absent. 2. Consciousness stage: The self-concept of “Me” is found, and the new confusing form self appears. 3. Unconsciousness stage: Positive recalling experience allowed the emergence of “being”, which encouraged the client to make career decision and to look for job; notwithstanding, but she also sought invariable due to security at the same time. 4. Compromise stage: Narrative writing made the client displace between “Past-Present”, integrate self between “Internal reality-External reality”, and continue her job. Later, her career action moved between the self-actualization and the need of security. 5. Termination stage: The client’s career orientation is through the open-mind of unknown and the power of serendipity The second part is the researcher’s reflection on practice. The reflection on practice integrates the study and the counseling process, elucidating important aspects which should be noted in applying C-U-C mode, how the spirit of C-U-C model influenced on the researcher’s life, and how narrative research made counseling research meaningful. The limitations and suggestions of this study were mentioned in the end for future study’s reference.意識-潛意識-折中C-U-C生涯決定生涯諮商變化歷程consciousness-unconsciousness-compromiseconsciousness-unconsciousness-compromisecareer decisioncareer counselingtransforming process理性與直覺的相遇-「意識-潛意識-折中」(C-U-C)決策模式應用於生涯諮商之探究When reason and intuition encounter - Applying consciousness-unconsciousness-compromise(C-U-C)model in career counseling