王國欽Wang, Kuo-Ching楊倩姿Yang, Chien-Tzu2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0899060124%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86810為符合消費者需求,跨國連鎖服務業目前面臨到的挑戰較過往更為複雜與競爭,服務到令人滿意與吸引顧客再度光臨成為重要課題。而員工就扮演賦予企業形象與口碑之重要角色。餐飲服務產業全球化布局,非常需要配合當地文化進行在地調整。在適宜的外表,對於工作勝任、公司的期望與訴求傳遞給顧客服務,也是相當具影響的也是常見在遴選員工時無形依據,過往研究卻鮮有研究論及。 本文旨在建構兩岸餐飲產業美學勞務知覺量表,探究對於員工在職場或升遷其扮演的前置因素,會產生何種影響組織與個人層面的知覺,對提供領導人或組織求才訴求之一個思考方向。 研究方法結合質化與量化方法以深入探討影響美學勞務知覺概念,並發展一套具信效度之衡量工具。質化研究部份,本研究深度訪談6位專家,依據量表建構程序發展測量美學勞務知覺量表且調查462位消費者,以探索性因素分析探究量表的因素結構,歸納出三個美學勞務知覺的範疇:美學特質、美儀條件、美學吸引力。 階段二則再次收集大陸301位消費者,以驗證性因素分析,進一步驗證在美學勞務知覺對於兩岸連鎖產業消費者感受的顧客滿意度與行為意圖之關係,其以提供兩岸連鎖餐飲業者,在跨兩岸人力資源部分之規劃與管理之參考。本研究亦提出若干管理意涵與未來研究方向之建議。Nowadays, the Chain service industry has encountered a more complex and competitive challenge to fulfill the need of customers than ever. It is an important topic on how to provide a satisfactory service and to attract the return of customers, and employees are crucial to represent the image and the public reputation of an enterprise. The global arrangement of catering industry needs to cooperate and adjust with the local culture. The proper appearance influences job competence, company’s expectation and appeal to customers, and is also an invisible standard to select an employee. However, researchers rarely discussed about the topic of Aesthetic Labor in the past. Therefore, this study integrates qualitative and quantitative approaches to explore the influences of Aesthetic Labor perception deeply and to develop a reliable and valid measurable scale. First, 6 professionals were interviewed and an exploratory factor analysis was performed by investigating 462 consumer. Through content analysis, the Aesthetic Labor perception were identified and then classified into three aspects: aesthetic qualities, etiquette condition and aesthetic appeal. The second stage is to collect the questionnaires of 301 consumers in China to compare the impact of aesthetic labor perception on customer’s satisfaction and behavioral intention between cross-strait consumers in chain catering industry by confirmatory factor analysis. In conclusion, this study constructs a standard scale for aesthetic labor perception, and aims at exploring how the pre-existing factors of employees’ job performance and promotion affect the perception of organization and individuals. It provides a brand-new direction of recruitment for supervisors and organization, and a reference material for cross-strait chain catering industry to plan and manage the human resources. Moreover, it contributes several management implications and suggestions to future researches in the catering industry美學勞務知覺兩岸連鎖餐飲產業多群組結構方程模式Aesthetic LaborChain Service Industry Cross StraitMultiple-group Structural Equation Modeling尋找好的服務?還是好看的服務? 比較兩岸連鎖餐飲服務產業美學勞務之落差Looking Good? Good-looking? A Comparison Gap of Aesthetic Labor of Chain Service Industry Cross-Strait: Taiwan vs. China