國立臺灣師範大學管理研究所陳敦基2016-03-222016-03-222014/08-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77019近年來都市發展強調「智慧型成長(Smart growth)」策略重點在採用大眾運輸導向 發展(Transit Oriented Development, TOD) 方式,國內政府部們亦積極推動以捷運系統/3 聯合開發集合住宅,企圖利用捷運系統導引更積極的大眾運輸之發展面向,其台北地 區發展的重要性不言而喻。此外,在國內都市設計審議過程中,由於對捷運聯合開發 住宅小汽車相關使用特性了解不足,及缺乏客觀、合理相關規劃性參數(如小汽車擁車 率及使用率等),使得都市設計審議過程對小汽車停車位設置相關基本參數認定無所適 從。因此,本研究首先將蒐集並調查台北地區已完成捷運聯合開發住宅之家戶運具選 擇行為資料,探討其家戶運具使用特性及影響因素之因果關係分析,建立顯示性偏好 (Revealed Preference, RP)的家戶個體運具選擇模式;其次,透過捷運聯合開發住宅家戶 入住前後運具選擇行為分析與比較,結合福利經濟學之消費者剩餘變動方法,衡量捷 運共構宅家戶入住前後運具使用者效益變動,並估計捷運共構宅家戶入住前後其對環 境影響效益之變化。最後,透過不同捷運聯合開發住宅供給特性(如住宅所在捷運站區位 性質、家戶坪數等),估計捷運聯合開發住宅之小汽車停車位規劃參數,並檢視其對大 眾運輸導向發展政策之成效(即提高大眾運輸使用率,並同時減少小汽車之持有及使用 率),此結果將可做為大眾捷運系統聯合開發住宅政策得以被繼續支持之參考。In recent years, urban development emphasizes the "smart growth" strategy which focuses on the mean of the public transit oriented development (TOD). In our domestic government departments are also actively promoting the MRT joint development of residential cluster, and attempt to use the mass rapid transit system to guide more positive developments for the public transport. Therefore the importance of residential cluster of the MRT joint-development is very significant in Taipei. In addition, the domestic urban design review process, due to lack the information and understanding in the related household’s car-usage characteristics of the joint development residence, and absent of the rational relevant planning parameters (such as the rate of car ownership and car usage, etc.), which make the urban design review committee to decide the proper number of car parking spaces. Therefore, this study will firstly collect and investigate the household mode-choice behavior data of the completed Taipei MRT joint-development residence, and also explore the causal relationship between the characteristics and the influencing factors of household’s mode usage, then the revealed preference (RP) disaggregate household’s mode-choice model will be developed. Secondly, through the comparison analysis of household’s mode-choice behavior before and after lived in MRT joint-development residence, we will use the consumer surplus changes in welfare economics to measure the changes of household mode user’ benefit, and estimate the difference of the environmental impact effectiveness before and after lived in MRT joint-development residence. Finally, according to different joint-development residential supply characteristics (such as the residential location properties of MRT station, the scale of house, etc.), we will estimate the planning parameters of car parking spaces on MRT joint-development residence, and review the effectiveness of TOD policy, including the improvement of the public transport usage, while reducing the car hold and its utilization, and the results will be referred to continuously support TOD policy of the MRT joint- development residence.大眾運輸導向發展捷運系統聯合開發住宅家戶運具選擇行為使用者效益Transit oriented developmentMRT joint-development residenceHousehold transportation choice behaviorUser’s benefit.大眾捷運系統聯合開發住宅家戶入住前後運具選擇行為之研究A Study on Household's Model Choice Behavior before and after Lived in MRT Joint-Development Residence