陳明溥Ming-Puu, Chen楊登智Teng-chih, Yang2019-08-292015-7-192019-08-292011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698080258%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93071本研究旨在探討不同鷹架策略(程序鷹架、反思鷹架),對高、低遊戲式數位學習自我效能國小生流遊戲式數位學習流感防治學習成效與態度之影響。學習內容為疾病防治局宣導的流感防治概念,包括一般感冒病毒、H1N1與H5N1的(1)流感預防方式,(2)流感感染症狀,(3) 流感治療方式,(4)如何辨別不同流感。本研究採用商業策略遊戲的遊戲編輯器設計遊戲式數位學習活動,透過守塔類型遊戲(Tower Defense)讓學習者抵禦遊戲中的病毒攻擊,藉由觀察遊戲中的英雄感染流感時的症狀與操控英雄選擇流感防治相關道具與生活習慣,讓學習者在遊戲的互動歷程中學習流感防治概念。研究結果顯示:(1) 程序鷹架有助於學習者在遊戲式數位學習於流感防治知識理解向度的學習成效;(2) 高、低遊戲式數位學習自我效能學習者在遊戲式數位學習流感防治學習成效之間無顯著差異;(3) 不論是哪一種鷹架策略或是遊戲式數位學習自我效能高、低,學習者對於遊戲式數位學習均抱持著正向的學習態度,而且高遊戲式數位學習自我效能的學習者表現出更為正向的學習態度。This research aims to examine the effect of participants’ performance and attitude influenza concept learning by game-based learning integrated different scaffolding strategies (procedural scaffolding and reflection scaffolding). The participants were divided into two groups including high or low digital game-based learning self-efficacy. The learning content included (a) method of influenza prevention, (b) symptoms, (c) treatment of influenza, and (d) how to distinguish difference influenza. This research used a commercial strategy game’s editor as a tool to create a game-based learning context. The tower defense-style strategy game enabled learners to identify the symptoms of the disease infection in hero, and the learners have to manipulate the hero, and to figure out the solution which increased hero’ resistance. The result revealed that: (a) procedural scaffolding enhanced students’ learning performance of influenza concept in digital game-based learning; (b) there is no significantly affect between high and low digital game-based learning self-efficacy students’ learning performance of influenza concept; (c) both two scaffolding strategies and two kinds of digital game-based learning self-efficacy learner have positive attitude to digital game-based learning influenza, especially high digital game-based learning self-efficacy learner have significantly positive attitude.遊戲式數位學習鷹架策略遊戲式數位學習自我效能健康教育digital game-based learningscaffolding strategydigital game-based learning self-efficacyhealth education鷹架策略與自我效能對國小學生流感防治之遊戲式數位學習成效與態度之影響The Effects of Scaffolding and Self-Efficacy on Sixth-Graders’ Performance and Attitude of Influenza Concepts Learning