劉立行Liu, Li-Hsing陳君毅Chen, Jun-Yi2019-09-042021-12-112019-09-042016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060272025H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99535隨著科技快速發展,個人設備可以隨時隨地截取高畫質、高音質的畫面。同時,網路頻寬技術的提升與普及,讓任何人都可以透過即時串流(live streaming)平台進行直播。即時、目的取向、小眾化、互動性高的即時串流平台在世界各地不斷興起。台灣也先後成立了RC直播、LIVEHouse.in、麥卡貝Live等。即時串流直播平台一方面滿足了閱聽人因應科技所展生的新需求;另一方面,則拓寬了傳播的研究領域。 由於目前即時串流平台的商業模式仍跳脫不出廣告的範疇。因此了解閱聽人、滿足閱聽人,進而吸引閱聽人成為當務之急。為了瞭解並滿足閱聽人的喜好,本研究選定即時串流平台中的領頭羊,Twitch.tv的使用者為研究對象。並以使用與滿足理論做為基礎,利用問卷調查法,蒐集Twitch.tv使用者的人口特質、使用行為、使用動機與使用滿足,共收回613份有效問卷。再以各項統計方法進行分析比對。最後,根據研究所得結論,給予即時串流直播平台業者與後續研究者相關具體建議。茲將本研究重要發現分述如下: 一、Twitch.tv的使用者其使用動機與使用滿足呈現顯著正相關,意指使用動機越強,獲得的滿足越強。 二、不同「年齡」、「教育程度」與「職業」的使用者,其在使用行為上有顯著差異。 三、不同「年齡」的使用者,在使用動機中的「社交性」與「娛樂與消磨性」上有顯著差異;不同「教育程度」的使用者在使用動機中的「娛樂與消磨性」上有達顯著差異。 四、使用動機中,以「資訊需求性」的動機強度最強;使用滿足同樣也以「資訊尋求性」的滿足強度為最高。Thanks to new technological advances, everyone can broadcast through the personal devices and Internet. As such, more and more live streaming platforms rise, for example, there are RC show, LIVEHouse.in, Camerabay.tv. The live streaming platforms, meeting the audiences’ demands of development of new technology, on the other hand, it broadens the research field of communication. The business model of live streaming platforms still focus on advertisement. Knowing the audience and getting more audiences are the priority. In this study, we set out with Uses and Gratifications theory and to be aimed at Twitch.tv audiences. The data collection for this study is survey questionnaire, a total of 613 valid questionnaires were recovered. The collected data were analyzed by statistical methods, including Descriptive Statistics, the Independent sample t-test, Pearson’s correlation, One-Way ANOVA and chi-squared test .The major findings are as follows: 1. The motives and gratifications of audiences of Twitch.tv are positive correlation. The motives are more stronger, the gratifications are more stronger, too. 2.Between the different ages, education and jobs of audiences, the use behavior are significantly difference. 3. Different age of audiences, the social and entertainment/kill time are significantly difference. And different education of audiences, the entertainment/kill time is significantly difference. 4.The “Information need” is the strongest motives and gratifications, too.即時串流影音平台Twitch.tv使用與滿足理論Live streaming platformTwitch.tvThe Uses and Gratifications即時串流直播平台Twitch.tv之使用與滿足研究The Uses and Gratifications for Live Streaming Platform: A Case Study of Twitch.tv