楊國賜Dr. Yang, Kuo-Shih何偉南Ho, Wei-Nan2019-08-292013-12-312019-08-292008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094023101%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92252本研究旨在探討案例大學進修部成人學生參與高等回流教育的校園經驗與學習成效現況,並瞭解不同的人口背景變項對於校園經驗與學習成效的差異情形,再進一步探究校園經驗對學習成效的關聯性與預測力。 本研究採問卷調查法,以案例大學進修部成人學生為調查對象。以研究者自編之「我國高等回流教育成人學生校園經驗與學習成效之研究」調查問卷為研究工具進行調查。將問卷所得資料編碼,透過描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸等統計方法分析,所得結論如后。 一、案例大學進修部成人學生校園經驗以學習目標注重程度最高、校園整體環境感受次之、學習支持系統感受稍差,但均傾向認同。 二、案例大學進修部成人學生學習成效以學習活動的整體滿意度較佳,而學習活動後的行為改變程度次之,但均傾向認同(滿意)。 三、案例大學進修部成人學生整體校園經驗會因性別、年齡、學群、婚姻狀況、家庭支持度的不同而有所差異。 四、案例大學進修部成人學生整體學習成效會因性別、年齡、學制、學群、家庭支持度的不同而有所差異。 五、案例大學進修部成人學生整體校園經驗與整體學習成效呈現高度正相關。 六、案例大學進修部成人學生校園經驗中的學習支持系統感受對於學習成效具有較佳的預測力、學習目標注重程度次之、校園整體環境感受再次之。 根據以上結論,對於教育行政主管機關、案例大學、成人學生及未來研究方向提出建議,期能提供高等回流教育政策發展參考,並提供案例大學改善校園經驗諸般措施、作為,以促進成人學生的學習成效。The present study aims to investigate the relationship between campus experiences and learning effectiveness among adult students of recurrent education in higher education. We expect to reveal through this study the influence the personal factors may cause in this relationship. Based on the result, we have pursued further study on the predictability of campus experiences to learning effectiveness. The study subjects are adult students who enroll in the division of continuing education at the studied university. We have designed a questionnaire to obtain the information pertaining to the objective of the present study. The questionnaire contains three parts: campus experiences, learning effectiveness, and personal factors. The data obtained have been analyzed by the descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and multiple regression. The conclusions are summarized as following: 1. Concerning the campus experiences, the valuing of learning goals receives the highest score; the comprehensive reception of campus environment is placed in the middle, the reception of learning support system receives the lowest score. Generally, the study subjects tend to agree with these three dimensions. 2. Concerning the learning effectiveness, the satisfaction of learning programs receives a higher score while the behavioral change after learning receives a lower score, but the study subjects have the tendency to agree with both of them. 3. The campus experiences among adult students differ significantly by the personal factors of gender, age, collegial group, marital status and family supportability. 4. The learning effectiveness among adult students differs significantly by the personal factors of gender, age, degree system, marital status and family supportability. 5. The Pearson correlation between campus experience and learning effectiveness among adult students performs highly significant positive correlation. 6. The learning effectiveness can be predicted by the dimensions of campus experiences significantly. The reception of learning support system is the most powerful, the valuing of learning goals is placed in the middle, and the comprehensive reception of campus environment is the weakest. Based on our study, we have proposed some suggestions for government agencies supervising the recurrent education in higher education, for the studied university as well as for the adult students in view of elevating adult students’ learning effectiveness.回流教育成人學生校園經驗學習成效Recurrent EducationAdult StudentCampus ExperienceLearning Effectiveness我國高等回流教育成人學生校園經驗與學習成效關係之研究-以案例大學進修部為例A Study of Relationship Between Campus Experience and Learning Effectiveness Among Adult Students of Recurrent Education in Higher Education-A Case Study of The Division of Continuing Education at One University