闕月清Keh Nith Chin, Ph.D.王文宜Wen Yi, Wang2019-09-052013-01-012019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0896300183%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105957本研究目的在探討PBL教學模式在健康體適能課程之實施,對護專生健康體適能認知能力、身體活動量、體育自我導向學習能力與社會問題解決能力之影響。採以量為主以質為輔之「主-輔式設計」研究方法,透過不等組前後測設計,以兩班護專三年級學生為研究對象,一班為實驗組(n=47),另外一班為控制組(n=47)。兩組學生分別接受十二週,每週一次100分鐘的健康體適能課程。實驗組學生分6組接受PBL教學模式,於每堂課前50分鐘由助教引導進行問題討論單之討論,後50分鐘則進行身體活動課程;控制組前50分鐘由教師講述,後50分鐘亦進行身體活動之課程。本研究透過「健康體適能認知測驗」、「體育自我導向學習量表」、「社會問題解決量表」與「計步器」等量化研究工具蒐集資料,並輔以質性資料進行資料蒐集。量化資料分析之統計方式以描述統計、單因子共變數分析其效果量;質性資料透過訪談、觀察、心得與相關文件等方式蒐集,並採用內容分析法分析以利輔助解釋量化結果。研究結果顯示:(一)PBL對護專生健康體適能認知測驗之「健康體適能」、「有氧體適能」、「肌力/肌耐力體適能」、「身體組成比例」、「基本營養概念」等構面以及「總量表」達顯著效果。而質性資料亦顯示PBL對認知學習能力有所提升;(二)PBL對護專生體育自我導向能力之「喜愛學習」、「學習動機」、「創造學習」以及「總量表」達顯著效果。從學習歷程的改變來看,本研究學生在SDL呈現「已具有參與感」的階段表現;(三)PBL對護專生社會問題解決量表之「負向問題定向」、「衝動/粗心風格」、「逃避風格」以及「總量表」有顯著的效果。另外從質性資料中亦發現,當個體要達到問題解決的過程,也會先透過自我導向學習歷程的改善,才達到問題解決能力的增進;(四)實驗組各組學生身體活動量的趨勢表現與各組健康體適能認知能力後測表現呈現相同發展趨勢,表示學生於此模式下已逐漸內化與行為有關的認知能力。根據研究結果發現,針對PBL理論與教學實務以及未來研究提供建議。Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of Problem Based Learning (PBL) teaching model on health fitness knowledge, physical activities, self-direct learning of PE ability and social problems solving ability of a health fitness program for nursing college students. Methods: Quantitative and qualitative methods were used. Quasi- experimental design with an experimental group (EG) and a control group (CG) were adopted to investigate the effects on student learning. Two classes of nursing students volunteered to be the participants, one class was set as EG (n= 47) and another class CG (n=47). All participations finished 100minutes/week fitness program for 12weeks, EG was taught with the PBL teaching model: first 50minutes was discussion course through discussion sheets by teaching tutors and students, and the second 50minutes was physical activity course. The CG was taught by direct teaching method and physical activity, each for 50minutes respectively. Data were collected through quantitative and qualitative methods. Health-related fitness knowledge test (HRFK) , Self-directed learning readiness Scale-PE (SDLRS-PE) , Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised (SPSI-R) and pedometers were used to collect quantitative data. Which analyzed by descriptive statistics, one-way ANCOVA, while qualitative data was analyzed thought content analysis from interview, observation, journal and other related documents. Results: (1) For HRFK test, PBL showed significant effects in all dimensions except flexibility, with high degree effect size of explanatory power (η2= .219). (2) For SDLRS-PE scales, PBL teaching model showed significant effects on love to learning, motivation, creative learning and total score with PBL had high degree effect size of explanatory power (η2= .229). (3) For SPSI-R test, PBL teaching model showed significant effects on negative problem orientation, impulse/careless style, escape style and total score with PBL had medium degree effect size of explanatory power (η2= .120). (4) EG students’ physical activity and fitness knowledge performances indicated similar development trend, showing students could internalize the knowledge related to physical activity under PBL teaching method. Conclusion: Based on the above result findings, suggestions on PBL theory, teaching practice and future studies were proposed.問題導向教學模式健康體適能認知能力體育自我導向能力社會問題解決能力身體活動量PBL teaching modelhealth fitness cognitive capabilityself-direction capability of PEsocial problem solving abilityphysical activity「問題導向學習」教學模式介入護專生健康體適能課程之成效The Teaching Effectiveness of Problem-based Learning Teaching Model on Nursing College Health Physical Fitness Program