雷啟文林旭龍2014-10-272014-10-272003-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17958本研究主要目的在於分析中年婦女身體活動、睡眠品質於人口特徵上的差異性,探討上述相關因素與中年婦女睡眠品質的關係。採便利取樣,以某區域教學醫院參加 健康檢查或子宮頸抹片篩檢門診階段性服務、年齡在40~65歲之間的婦女為研究對象。研究結果顯示: 一、中年婦女睡眠品質不佳者(PSQI>5分)佔87.5%,整體睡眠品質平均得分為9.68分。 二、不同「年齡」、「身體質量指數(BMI)」、「婚姻狀況」、「日常生活或上班主要的身體活動方式」以及「工作、生活等各方面綜合壓力」的中年婦女,在 睡眠品質上無顯著差異。 三、中年婦女若「沒有職業」、「子女數愈多」及「教育程度愈低」,其睡眠品質愈差。 四、中重度身體活動量之中年婦女,與其睡眠品質得分(PSQI)呈顯著負相關,即身體活動量愈大者,其睡眠品質愈好。而有規律運動習慣者,其睡眠品質較 佳。The purposes of this study were to compare the differences on sleep quality among the middle-aged women with different demographic characteristics and varied physical activities, and to explore the relationship between sleep quality and varied physical activities as well. The results revealed: 1.The average PSQI global score of total subjects was 96.8, and 87.5%of the subjects whose scores were greater than 5.:2. The subjects in the different age, body mass index, marital status, amount of physical activity and stress condition were not significantly correlated to their sleep quality. ;3.The more number of children, without occupation and the lower educational background the subjects were, the worse sleep quality they showed. ;4.Relative amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity of the middle-aged women indicates negative correlation with the PSQI global score.中年婦女匹茲堡睡眠品質指標量表身體活動量睡眠品質Middle-aged womenPhysical activityPittsburgh sleep quality indexPSQISleep quality中年婦女身體活動與睡眠品質之相關研究The Relationship between Physical Activity and Sleep Quality of Middle-Aged Women