國立臺灣師範大學地理學系張茂桂林慈淑秦葆琦王浩博蕭憶梅何思瞇陳國川汪履維吳璧純2015-09-032015-09-032013/07-20http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74462本研究的目的有六:一為探討現行中小學社會領域/學科的相關問題與發展;二為探討十二年國民基本教育社會領域/學科的課程理念與目標;三為規劃十二年國民基本教育社會領域/學科的課程組織方式與要項;四為探討現行生活課程的相關問題與發展;五為探討生活課程的課程理念與目標;六為探討生活課程的課程組織方式與要項。本研究主要以文獻分析、文件分析、焦點座談和問卷調查等方法進行探究。本研究的結果預期能分析出社會學習領域/學科和生活課程的相關問題及其發展,並提出十二年國民基本教育社會學習領域/學科和生活課程的課程理念與目標,且規劃出其課程組織方式與要項,以作為後續社會領域課程和生活課程綱要研擬的參考依據。The aims of this study are to analyze the related problems and development in life course and social studies in primary and secondary schools, and examine the goals and ideas of life course and social studies in twelve-year national education. Furthermore, the study will propose the organizing manners and main elements of the life course and social studies curriculum. This study will be conducted through literature review, document analysis, and focus group interviews. The result of this study is expected to find out the related problems and development in life course and social studies ; to propose the goals and ideas of life course and social studies in twelve-year national education ; to design the organizing manners and main elements of the life course and social studies curriculum and make contribution to the establishment the life course and social studies curriculum in the future.十二年國民基本教育社會領域生活課程綱要內容Twelve-year national educationlife coursesocial studiesguideline content十二年國民基本教育社會領域和生活課程綱要內容之前導研究Preparatory Research to support the Development of Curriculum Guidelines for Various Content Areas in Twelve Year Basic EducationSub-Project in Social Studies and life course