張敬珣Chang, Ching-Hsun毛彥文Mau, Yan-Wen2022-06-089999-12-312022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/acc8618aa88619fc90f1930c399697f8/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/116918本研究從利害關係人理論出發, 以永續導向為前置變項,綠色價值共創行為為結果變項,並以供應商之共創態度與購買者之共創態度為中介變項,以組織層級角度,探討企業若將永續概念落實在營運策略的過程中時的關聯性。本研究以台灣製造業 為研究對象進行隨機抽樣郵寄發放 2039份問卷, 回收 159份有效問卷,並利用 SPSS27及 Amos統計軟體進行敘述性統計、信效度分析、 bootstrap法檢驗中介效果、差異分析等 。 研究結果顯示:(1)永續導向對供應商之共創態度具有正向影響 、(2)永續導向對購買者之共創態度具有正向影響 、 (3)供應商之共創態度對於綠色價值共創行為不具有正向影響、 (4)購買者之共創態度對於綠色價值共創行為具有正向影響、 (5) 供應商之共創態度在永續導向與綠色價值共創行為間不具有中介影響、 (6) 供應商之共創態度在永續導向與綠色價值共創行為間具有中介影響、 (7) 永續導向對綠色價值共創行為具有正向影響 。 綜合上述研究成果,本研究提出管理意涵與實務建議, 就台灣製造業而言,企業若要提供綠色價值共創行為,購買者的共創態度相較比供應商的共創態度來的更為重要。 企業並應建立永續概念、重視購買者意見及執行綠色價值共創行為以達到永續發展之目標 。Drawing on stakeholder theory, this study tried to explore the effect of ㄋustainability orientation on green value co-creation behavior via supplier’s and buyer’s attitudes toward co-creation in business level.This study verified the research framework by sending 2039 questionnaires, In total, 159 valid questionnaires were collected from Taiwanese manufacturing companies. This study utilized SPSS 27 and AMOS to verify hypotheses, which were analyzed by descriptive statistics, reliability and validity analysis, bootstrapping in AMOS, and T-test. The results showed that: (1) Sustainability orientation had positive effect on supplier’s co-creation attitude; (2) Sustainability orientation had positiveeffect on buyer’s co-creation attitude; (3) Supplier’s co-creation attitude had no significant impact on green value co-creation behavior; (4) Buyer’s co-creation attitude had positive effect on green value co-creation behavior; (5) Supplier’s co-creation attitude had no mediation impact on green value co-creation behavior; (6) Buyer’s co-creation attitude had mediating impact on green value co-creation behavior; (7) Sustainability orientation had positive effect on green value co-creation behavior. By addressing the constructs, we presented some management implications and practical advice. Firms should promote Sustainability strategy, value buyers’ opinions, and execute green value co-creation behavior to accomplish goals of sustainable development.永續導向供應商之共創態度購買者之共創態度綠色價值共創行為Sustainability orientationSupplier's co-creation attitudeBuyer's co-creation attitudeGreen value co-creation behavior永續導向對綠色價值共創行為之影響─以供應商與購買者之共創態度為中介變項The Effect of Sustainability Orientation on the Green Value Co-creation Behavior: The Mediating Role of Supplier's and Buyer's Co-creation Attitudes學術論文